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Compare 1577 edition: 1 When king Edward had finished his businesse with the Flemings at Gaunt, Anno Reg. 14. he left his wife quéene Philip there still in that towne, and returned him|selfe vnto Antwerpe, and shortlie after about the feast of Candlemasse tooke the sea, and came backe into England, to prouide for monie to mainteine his be|gun warres. And herevpon about the time of Lent following,A parlement. he called his high court of parlement at Westminster, in the which he asked of his commons towards his charges, for the recouerie of his right in France, the fift part of their mooueable goods, Hen. Marl. Polydor. the customes of wools for two yeares to be paid afore|hand, and the ninth sheafe of euerie mans corne. At length it was agreed,A subsidie. that the king should haue for euerie sacke of wooll fortie shillings, for euerie three hundred wooll fels fortie shillings, and for euerie last of leather fortie shillings, and for other merchandize after the rate; to begin at the feast of Easter, in this fouretéenth yeare of the kings reigne, and to indure till the feast of Pentecost then next following, and from that feast till the feast of Pentecost, then next insuing into one yeare: for which the king granted, that from the feast of Pentecost, which was then to come into one yeare, he nor his heires should not demand, assesse, nor take, nor suffer to be assessed or taken, more custome of a sacke of wooll of any Eng|lishman, but halfe a marke, and vpon the wooll fels and leather the old former custome.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Beside this, the citizens and burgesses of cities and good townes, granted to giue the ninth part of all their goods; and the forren merchants and other not liuing of gaine, nor of bréeding cattell, nor of shéepe, should giue the fiftéenth part of all their goods lawfullie to the value: for the which he granted that as well now in time of warre as of peace, all mer|chants, denizens and forreiners (those excepted that were of the enimies countries) might without let safelie come into the realme of England with their goods and merchandize, and safelie tarie, and likewise returne, paieng the customs, subsidies, and profits, resonable thereof due, so alwaies that the franchises and frée customs granted by him or his predecessours reasonablie to the citie of London, and other cities, burroughes, and townes, might alwaies to them be saued. Moreouer, there was granted vnto him the ninth sheafe, the ninth fléece, and ninth lambe, to be taken by two yeares next comming. And for the le|uieng thereof, the lords of euerie shire through the land, were appointed to answer him, euerie one for the circuit within the which he dwelled. And bicause the king must néeds occupie much monie yer the re|ceit of this subsidie could come to his hands, he boro|wed in the meane time manie notable summes of diuerse cities, and particular persons of this land,The citie of London len|deth the king monie. a|mongst the which he borrowed of the citie of Lon|don 20000 marks, to be paied againe of the monie comming of the foresaid subsidie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 In the meane while, now that king Edward was come backe into England, the warres were hotlie pursued against his fréends, that had their lands néere to the borders of France, and namelie against sir Iohn de Heinault lord Beaumont, for the French men burned all his lands of Chimaie, except the for|tresses, and tooke from thence a great preie.The fronti|ers of France full of men of warre. All the frontiers were full of men of warre, lodged within townes in garrison, as at Tournie, Mortaigne, S. Amond, Dowaie, Cambrie, and in other smaller fortresses. These men of warre late not idle, but were dooing oftentimes in Flanders, and sometime other|where, neither was the countrie of Heinault spared, though the earle (as yee haue heard) did not onelie re|fuse to serue the king of England against France, but also when the same king entred France, he resor|ted to the French king, and serued him; yet by the suggestion of the bishop of Cambrie, who complai|ned of the Hainniers, for the damages which they had doone him, the French garrisons of the frontiers thereabouts were commanded to make a road into that countrie, which they did,The towne of Asper burnt. burning the towne of Asper, and brought from thence a great bootie. The earle of Heinault sore mooued therewith to haue his lands so spoiled and burnt, defied the French king,The erle of Heinault defi|eth the Frẽch king. and ioining with his vncle the lord Beaumont, en|tred with an armie into Thierasse, tooke & destroied EEBO page image 358 Aubenton,Townes burnt in Thierasse. with Mawbert, Fonteine, Daubecuille, and diuerse other.

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