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Compare 1577 edition: 1 But now to returne to the king, which all this while remained in Brabant. Ye haue heard how the citie of Cambrie held with the French king: wher|fore the K. of England assembling togither a migh|tie strong armie aswell of Englishmen as of the low countries of Dutchland, ment to besiege it, but first he sent the archbishop of Canturburie with the bishops of Lincolne and Durham vnto Arras, as commissioners from him to méet there with the archbishop of Rouen,Cõmissioners sent to treat of peace. and the bishops of Langres and Beauuais, appointed to come thither as com|missioners from the French king, to treat with the Englishmen of a peace, but they could not a|grée vpon anie conclusion, wherevpon king Ed|ward, comming forward with his power,They cannot agrée. approa|ched to Cambrie, and planted his siege round a|bout it. But the bishop,Cambrie be|sieged. not meaning to deliuer the citie vnto king Edward nor vnto anie other that should demand it to the behoofe of the emperour Ludouike of Bauiere, as then excommunicated of the pope, had receiued into the towne fiue thou|sand Frenchmen, with the French kings eldest sonne, Ia. Meir. the duke of Normandie latelie returned out of Guien, and the lord Theobald Maruise,The king ra [...]seth his siege and entreth into France Flamin|guerie. with cer|teine companies of Sauoisins, so that the citie was so defended, that the king of England perceiuing he should but lose time, leuied his siege, and entred into France, pitching his field at a place called Flamin|guerie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 In the meane time had the French king not onelie made himselfe strong by land, but also by sea, Fabian. Thom. Walsi. hauing sent foorth a strong nauie of ships and gallies towards the coasts of England, which arriuing at Southampton the mondaie after Michaelmas day,Southamptõ burnt. tooke and spoiled the towne, and the morrow after set fire vpon it in fiue places, so that a great part of it was burnt. Also thirteene sailes of the French fléet met with fiue English ships, and after a sore fight which continued nine houres, tooke two of those fiue being tall and goodlie ships, the one called the Ed|ward, and the other the Christopher; the other thrée be|ing smaller vessels,Two English ships taken. as two of them barks and the other a caruell escaped by their swiftnesse of sailing. There was slaine in that fight vpon both parts about the number of six hundred men.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The French king himselfe hearing that the king of England would inuade his realme, make his ge|nerall assemblie of his armie at Peronne; and when he heard that he was entred France, he remooued towards him with his whole power, being at the point of an hundred thousand men,The French kings armie. as in the French chronicle yee may read more at large. The king of England had not pas [...] thréescore thousand in his ar|mie at the most: Iacob. Meir. but whilest he laie there vpon the borders of France, his people did much hurt, making roads abroad beyond the water of Some, burning EEBO page image 356 and spoiling abbies,Townes burnt by the Englishmen in France. towns, and villages, as Orignie, saint Benoit, Rib [...]mont in Thi [...]rasse, saint Gouan, Marle, and Cressie. Also the lord Beaumont of Hei|nault burnt the towne of Guise, though his daugh|ter was as then within the same towne wife vnto Lewes earle of Blois:The towne of Guise burnt. his brother William earle of Heinault was latelie before deceassed,The earle of Heinault. leauing the earledome to his sonne named also William, who continued with the king of England so long as he laie before Cambrie, & kept him within the bounds of the empire, as though his allegiance had bound him to no lesse, but after the said king was passed the riuer of Lescault, otherwise called the Skell, and in Latine Scaldis, which diuideth the empire from the kingdome of France, he would no longer serue the king of England, but departed from him for feare to offend the French king, accounting that the matter perteined not now to the empire, but to the priuate quarell and businesse of the king of England: not|withstanding his vncle the said sir Iohn like a faith|full gentleman continued still in king Edward his seruice.

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