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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Then was a parlement to be holden at London, and herewith articles were drawne, and certeine pe|titions put foorth, vpon the which if the parties in the meane time could agrée, the peace accordinglie might be established, if not, then the warre to be pro|secuted as before. The chiefest article and petition which the Scots proponed, as desirous to be therein resolued, was to vnderstand which of the two that claimed the crowne of Scotland, to wit, Edward Balioll, and Dauid Bruce, had most right thereto. But when in the parlement time the lord Maurice de Murrey slue sir Geffrey de Rosse a Scotish knight, that was shiriffe of Aire and Lenarke, being of the Baliols side, for that in time of open warre the same sir Geffrey had slaine his brother,The stoutnes of Scots hin|dered the con|clusion of the peace. vpon respect of this presumptuous part, and by reason of such stoutnesse as the Scots otherwise shewed, no conclusion of peace could be brought to effect.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Before the feast of the Ascension, the king of Eng|land sent forward the king of Scots, the earles of Lancaster, Warwike, Oxford, and Anegos, and di|uerse lords and capteins with an armie, the which af|ter Whitsuntide entring into Scotland,

An armie sent into Scot|land.

S. Iohns towne for|tified.

passed ouer the Scotish sea, and comming to saint Iohns towne (which the Scots had burnt, despairing to defend it a|gainst the English power) they set in hand to fortifie it, compassing it with déepe diches and a strong ram|pier of earth. ¶ About the same time the king called a parlement at Northampton, where leauing the pre|lats and other to treat of such matters as were pro|poned, Adam Meri|muth. he himselfe rode northwards, and comming to Berwike, tooke with him a small band of men of armes, and setting forward, hasted foorth till he came to saint Iohns towne,The K. goeth into Scot|land. where he found the king of Scots, and other his nobles greatlie woondering at his comming thither so vnlooked for. After he had re|sted there a little, he tooke with him part of the armie, and passed forward ouer the mounteines of Scot|land euen vnto Elgen in Murrey and Inuernes, further by manie miles than euer his grandfather had gone.

Compare 1577 edition: 1

Aberden burnt.

Tho. Walsin. Sir Thomas Rosselin slain.

In his returne he burnt the towne of Aberden, in reuenge of the death of a right valiant knight called sir Thomas Rosselin, that comming thither by sea tooke land there, and was slaine by the enimies: he burnt diuerse other townes and places in this voi|age, spoiling and wasting the countries where he came,The earle of Cornewall. not finding anie to resist him. About Lammas the earle of Cornewall with the power of Yorkeshire and Northumberland, and the lord Anthonie Lucie with the Cumberland and Westmerland men en|tred Scotland, and destroied the west parts, as Car|rike, and other which obeied not the Balioll. The lord William Douglas still coasted the Englishmen,The lord Douglas. dooing to them what damage he might. At length this armie loden with preies and spoile returned home, but the earle of Cornewall with his owne retinue came through to saint Iohns towne, where he found the king being returned thither frõ his iournie which he had made beyond the mounteins. The king staied not long there,Striueling castell built or rather repa|red. but leauing the king of Scots with his companie in that towne, he went to Striueling, where, on the plot of ground vpon which the destroied castell had stood, he built an other fortresse, called a Pile. And now, bicause he had spent a great deale of treasure in those warres of Scotland, he summoned a parlement to be holden at Notingham, in which there was granted to him a tenth of the cleargie, and likewise of the citizens and burgesses of good towns, and a fifteenth of other that dwelt foorth of cities and boroughes.

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