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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 It is said, that Henrie earle of Lancaster, and Iohn the lord Beaumont of Heinault would gladlie haue passed ouer the water of Wire, to haue assal|ted the Scots, but the earle of March through coun|sell of the lord Mortimer, pretending to haue right to the leading of the fore ward, and to the giuing of the first onset, would not suffer them. Howsoeuer it was the king missed his purpose, and right pensiue there|fore, brake vp his field, and returned vnto London. ¶Walter bishop of Canturburie departed this life in Nouember, and then Simon Mepham was ad|uanced to the gouernement of that sée. The lord Beaumont of Heinalt was honorablie rewarded for his paines and trauell,The lord Beaumõt re|turned home. Polydor. and then licenced to re|turne into his countrie, where he had not beene long, but that through his means then (as some write) the marriage was concluded betweene king Edward, and the ladie Philip daughter to William earle of Heinault, and neece to the said lord Beaumont, who had the charge to sée hir brought ouer thither into England about Christmasse: where in the citie of Yorke vpon the eeuen of the Conuersion of saint Paule, being sundaie, Fabian. in the latter end of the first yeare of his reigne, king Edward solemnlie mari|ed hir.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 In the second yeare of his reigne, about the feast of Pentecost, Anno Reg. 2. A parlement at North|ampton. king Edward held a parlement at Northampton, at the which parlement by euill and naughtie counsell, whereof the lord Roger Mortimer and the queene mother bare the blame, the king con|cluded with the Scotish king both an vnprofitable and a dishonorable peace. For first,A dishonora|ble peace. he released to the Scots their fealtie and homage. Also he deliuered vnto them certeine old ancient writings, sealed with the seales of the king of Scots, and of diuerse lords of the land both spirituall and temporall: amongst the which was that indenture,Ragman. which they called Rag|man, with manie other charters and patents, by the which the kings of Scotland were bound as feoda|ries vnto the crowne of England; Fabian. Caxton. The blacke crosse. at which season al|so there were deliuered certeine iewels, which before time had béene woone from the Scots by the kings of England, and among other, the blacke crosier or rood is speciallie named.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 And not onelie the king by his sinister councell lost such right and title as he had to the realme of Scotland, so farre as by the same councell might be deuised, but also the lords and barons, and other men of England that had anie lands or rents within Scotland, lost their right in like manner, except they would dwell vpon the same lands, and become liege men to the king of Scotland.A marriage concluded. Herevpon was there also a marriage concluded betwixt Dauid Bruce the sonne of Robert Bruce king of Scotland, and the ladie Iane sister to king Edward, which of diuerse writers is surnamed Ione of the tower, and the Scots surnamed hir halfe in derision, Ione Make|peace.Ione Make|peace. This marriage was solemnised at Berwike vpon the daie of Marie Magdalen. The quéene with the bishops of Elie and Norwich, the earle Warren, the lord Mortimer, and diuerse other barons of the land, and a great multitude of other people were pre|sent at that marriage, Ri. Southwell. which was celebrate with all the honour that might be.

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