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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Howbeit one of his seruants that saw these doo|ings, got awaie, and with all spéed ran to the péele of He [...]head,Michaell de Herkley. and shewed to the earles brother Michaell Herkeley what was chanced to the earle, wherevpon the said Michaell foorthwith fled into Scotland, and with him sir William Blunt knight, a Scotishman, and diuerse other that were of the earles priuie coun|cell. The lord Lucie streightwaies sent a messenger to the king vnto Yorke, aduertising him how he had taken the earle, and therefore required to vnderstand further of the kings pleasure. The king foorthwith sent the lord Geffrey Scroobe iustice, with a number of armed men vnto Carleill, the which came thither on saint Chaddes daie, and the morrow after, being the third of March, he sat in iudgement vpon the said earle, in the castell of Carleill, and there (as out of the kings mouth) he pronounced sentence against him in this wise; first, that he should be disgraded of his earledome, by the taking awaie from him the sword which the king had gird him with, and likewise of his knighthood, by cutting off his spurs from his heeles, and that after this, he should be drawen from the castell through the citie vnto the place of executi|on,The earle of Carle [...]s judgement. where felons were accustomed to suffer, and there to be hanged, afterwards headed, and then his head to be sent vnto London, there to be set aloft vpon one of the turrets of the tower, and his quarters to be di|uided, one to be set vp at Carleill, an other at New|castell vpon Tine, the third at Bristow, & the fourth at Douer.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 When he had heard this iudgement, he said; You haue diuided my bodie at your pleasure, and I com|mit my soule vnto God: and being according to the iudgement drawen to the place where he suffered, he neuer shranke at the matter, but boldlie behaued himselfe,His constan|cie at his death. declaring at the verie houre of his death, that his intention in concluding the agréement with the Scots was good, and procéeding not of any euill meaning, but tending onelie to the wealth and quiet|nes of the realme. Neither could such friers as were permitted to come to him before his arreignement to heare his confession, get any thing more of him, but that his meaning was good, and that which he had concluded with the king of Scots was not doone vp|on any euill purpose, whereby any hurt might insue, either to the king or to the realme. ¶ Thus haue we thought good to shew the cause of this earles death, as by some writers it hath béene registred; although there be that write, Fabian. that the ouerthrow at Beighland chanced through his fault, Ca [...]ton, by misleading a great part of the kings host, and that therefore the king being offended with him, caused him to be put to death, al|beit (as I thinke) no such matter was alleged against him at the time of his arreignement.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 About this season was the foundation begun of S. Michaels colledge in Cambridge, Polydor. by one sir Henrie Stanton knight, chancellour of the excheker. About the feast of the Ascension, Rich. Sou [...] Commissio|ners [...] intrea [...] of peace. there came as commissio|ners from the king of England vnto Newcastell, Aimerie earle of Penbroke, and the lord chamber|laine Hugh Spenser the yoonger, and other foure personages of good accompt. And from the king of Scots, there came the bishop of saint Andrews, Tho|mas Randulfe earle of Murrey, and other foure of good credit to treat of peace, or at the leastwise of some long truce, and through the good will and plea|sure of God, the author of all peace and quietnesse, they concluded vpon a truce, to indure for thirteene yeares,A tr [...]ce [...] claded. and so about the feast of saint Barnabe the a|postle, it was proclaimed in both realmes, but yet so, that they might not traffike togither, bicause of the excommunication wherewith the Scots were as yet intangled, although as some write, about the same time, the interdict wherein the realme of Scotland stood bound, was by pope Iohn released. Polydor Hect. [...] Anno Reg. 1 [...] Messengers from the French king.

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