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Compare 1577 edition: 1 A conspiracie to set priso|ners at li|bertie.In the same yeare, there was a great conspiracie practised by certein persons that had taken part with the barons in the late warres, purposing to set at li|bertie in one selfe night, all those noble men and o|thers, that were by the king kept in prison for that quarrell. Certeine therefore of those conspirators came to the castell of Walingford, within the which the lord Maurice Berkelie, and the lord Hugh Aud|lie remained as prisoners. The conspirators found shift to enter the castell by a posterne gate towards the Thames side, howbeit not so secretlie but that the townesmen hauing knowledge thereof, assembled togither, and besieged them that were so entred the castell, till the earles of Kent and Winchester came with a great power to reenforce the siege, so that in the end, they that had made this attempt fled into the chappell of the castell, in hope to be saued through sanctuarie of the place, but they were (against the willes of the deane and preests of the colledge there that sought to defend them) taken foorth by force, so that sir Iohn de Goldington knight,Sir Iohn Goldington. sir Edmund of the Bech chapleine, and an esquire called Roger Walton, were sent to Pomfret, and there put in pri|son; the esquire was after sent to Yorke, and there drawne and hanged. This enterprise caused all other prisoners to be more streightlie looked vnto.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 In this yeare was begun a wicked practise of trea|son vpon this occasion. Where K. Edward hauing as|saied fortune so froward towards him, in chance of warre against the Scots at sundrie times, was ther|by taught to doubt the triall thereof any further, and rather to seeke for peace, he appointed Andrew Herk|lie earle of Carleill, Polydor. to séeke some means, whereby a peace might be concluded betwixt him and king Robert. Rich. South W. Polydor. The earle by the kings commandement, go|ing into Scotland, and comming vnto king Robert, whome he found at Loghmaban, intreated with him of warre, and not of peace; for whether it were so that he despaired of the state of king Edwards busi|nesse, which prospered neither at home nor abroad; [...]heefelie by reason of his owne wilfull negligence (as some write) or whether of his owne nature this earle delighted in nothing so much, as in deceipt, craft, and treason: he concluded vpon points with the Scotish king, how, when, and where king Ed|ward should be betraied, and to the end that couenan|ted faith on either side might be the more suerlie kept and obserued, the sister of K. Robert was affianced vnto the said earle of Carleill: a verie beautifull la|die and a comelie as was anie where to be séene or found.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 This practise being thus contriued, shortlie after the king got knowledge thereof, though by whome it was not certeinlie knowne: so hard a thing it is for man to conceale and keepe secret that thing which he goeth about, though he studie neuer so much so to doo, namelie in matters of treason,Treason will euer come to light by one mean [...] or other. which hath a thou|sand feet to créepe abroad, and which way soeuer it go|eth, it leaueth a thousand prints of the footsteps behind it, by the which it may be discouered to the world. When therefore the earle came backe againe to Car|leill, he was arrested by commandement from the king, and straightwaies being arreigned of the trea|son, he was thereof condemned and put to execution.1323 The earle of Carleill put to death. His head was sent vnto London,The earle of Carleill put to death. and there set vpon the bridge, or rather vpon some turret of the tower. So hard a matter it is for traitors to escape the hands of the executioner; vnder whose hatchet they submit their heads to be hewen from their shoulders, euen then when they haue conceiued their traitorous attempts in hart, for God who hath placed princes in thrones of roialtie, to this end hath vouchsafed them a superlatiue degrée of dignitie, that they might be obeied, neither will his iustice permit impunitie to the disloiall enterprises and complots of malefactors, common peace-disturbers, hautie-harted Nemrods, ambitious Hamans, or anie lewd malcontent: for

Acer Dei est oculus ad omnia videndum,
Eius poenas non effugit mortalis,
Viuere volens ergo ne faciat morte digna.

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