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Compare 1577 edition: 1 About the thirteenth day of October,A parlem [...] at North|ampton. a parlement was holden at Northampton, in the which it was or|deined by the kings appointment, that the coine of his father king Edward should be still currant, not|withstanding the basenesse thereof, as some reputed it, and therefore it was mooued in the parlement to haue it disanulled. ¶Also, order was taken for the buriall of his fathers corpse, which was solemnelie conueied from Waltham, and brought to Westmin|ster the seauen and twentith day of October follow|ing, where with all funerall pompe it was interred. Moreouer, at [...]he same parlement, a marriage was concluded betwixt the earle of Cornewall Peers de Gaueston, and the daughter of Gilbert de Clare earle of Glocester,Péers de G [...]ueston [...] which he had by his wife the coun|tesse Ioane de Acres the kings sister, which marri|age was solemnized on All hallowes day next in|suing.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 About the two and twentith of Ianuarie, the king sailed ouer into France,The K. pas|s [...]th ouer [...] France. and at Bullongne in Pi|cardie on the foure and twentith day of Ianuarie, he did homage to the French king for his lands of Gas|coine and Pontieu, and on the morrow after,1 [...]0 [...] maried Isabell the French kings daughter,He w [...]s mar|ried the 2 [...] [...] Februarie [...] Tho. de la More [...] and on the sea|uenth of Februarie he returned with hir into Eng|land, and comming to London, was ioifullie recei|ued of the citizens, and on the fiue and twentith daie EEBO page image 319 of Februarie, being Shrouesundaie in the leape yeare,The king and quéene crow|ned. they were solemnlie crowned by the bishop of Winchester, bicause that Robert the archbishop of Canturburie was not as then within the realme. There was such prease and throng of people at this coronation,

Tho. Walsin. Sir Iohn Blackwell smoothered and thrust to death.

Continuation of N. Triuet.

that a knight called sir Iohn Bakewell aliàs Blackwell, was thrust or crowded to death. ¶On the day of the circumcision this yeare, a great tem|pest of thunder and lightning began about euensong time, that continued the most part of the night fol|lowing.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 On wednesdaie after the Epiphanie, the knights templers in England were apprehended all in one day by the kings commandement, vpon suspicion of hainous crimes & great enormities by them practi|sed, contrarie to the articles of the christian faith. The order of their apprehension was on this wise.The order taken for the apprehension of the tẽplers. The king directed his writs vnto all and euerie the shi|riffes of counties within the realme, that they should giue summons to a certeine number of substantiall persons, knights or other men of good accompt, to be afore them at certeine places within their gouerne|ments, named in the same writs, on the sunday the morrow after the Epiphanie then next insuing, and that the said shiriffes faile not to be there the same day in their owne persons, to execute that which in o|ther writs to them directed, and after to be sent, should be conteined. The date of this writ was the fifteenth of December.

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