Compare 1577 edition: 1 Neuerthelesse, Robert Bruce in this meane while slept not his businesse, but ranging abroad in the countrie, flue manie that would not obeie him, and sent foorth his two brethren, Thomas that was a knight, and Alexander that was a préest, with part of his armie into an other quarter of the countrie, to al|lure the people vnto his obedience, partlie with gen|tlenesse,Thomas Bruce and Alexander Bruce taken. and partlie with menaces. But the English|men came vpon them in the night and tooke them both, so that being brought before the iustices they were condemned, and therevpon hanged, drawen and quartered. Matth. West. ¶ Some write, that Duncan Mag|doili, a man of great power in Galloway, tooke these two brethren prisoners, togither with Reginald Crawford (being the principlas) on the ninth daie of Februarie, as they with certeine other capteins and men of war came by sea, and landed in his coun|trie, vpon whome being seuen hundred men, he with three hundred or few aboue that number boldlie gaue the onset, and not onelie tooke the said thrée persons prisoners, sore wounded as they were, with diuerse other, but also slue Malcolme Makaile a lord of Ken|tice, and two Irish lords, whose heads, and the fore|said prisoners, he presented vnto king Edward, who caused Thomas Bruce to be hanged,Tho. Bruce executed. Alexander Bruce & Re|ginald Craw|ford executed. drawen and quartered, but the other two were onelie hanged and quartered at Carleill, where their heads were set vp aloft on the castell and gates of the citie.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 After Easter their brother Robert Bruce, calling himselfe king of Scotland, and hauing now aug|mented his armie with manie souldiers of the out-Iles,The earle of Penbroke put to f [...]ight. fought with the earle of Penbroke and put him to flight, and slue some of his men though no [...] manie. Within a few daies after, he chased also the earle of Glocester, into the castell of Aire, and besieged him within the same,Bruce besie|geth the earle of Glocester. till an armie was sent from king Edward to the rescue: for then the said Robert was constreined to flée, and the Englishmen followed, till he got into the woods and marishes,He is chased frõ that siege. where they might come néere him without manifest danger, to cast themselues awaie. ¶ The king of England, min|ding to make a full conquest of the Scots, and not to leaue off vntill he had wholie subdued them, sent his commissions into England, commanding all those that owght him seruice, to be redie at Careleill with|in three wéekes after Midsummer. He sent his sonne Edward into England, that vpon knowledge had what the French king did touching the agreement, he might accordinglie procéed in the marriage to be made with his daughter.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 After the
prince was departed from the campe, his father king Edward was taken with sore sicke|nesse, yet he remooued
from Carleill, where the same sicknesse first tooke him, vnto Burrough vpon Sand, and there the daie after
being the seuenth daie of Iu|lie,
The death of K. Edward the first. He is buried at Westmin|ster.