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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 They sent a preest to them that kept it, comman|ding them to yéeld: but receiuing a froward answer, they fell to and wasted all that countrie, passing tho|rough the forrest of Inglewood, Cumberland,The forest of Inglewood. and Al|lerdale, till they came vnto Derwent and Coker|mouth, not sparing either church nor chappell. Their meaning was to haue gone into the bishoprike of Durham, but what through sore weather of haile, snow and frost, & what through vaine feare of wrong information giuen by their spials, that the countrie was well prouided of men of warre for defense, they brake off that iournie, and yet there were not past a hundred men of armes, and thrée thousand footmen in that countrie, which were then also dispersed tho|rough irksomenesse of long staieng for the enimies. The Scots therefore drew vnto Hexham, and there lodged, not without vexing the canons, although they had granted letters of protection vnto the prior and couent of the same house, to indure for one whole yeare: and likewise letters of safe conduct to passe and repasse for one canon, one squire, and two ser|uants, when soeuer they should send to them, during that terme: which letters were giuen foorth vnder the name of the said earle of Murrey, and William Waleis.The towne of Riton burnt. Anno Reg. 26. From thence they went towards Newca|stell, and burnt the towne of Riton. Finallie, percei|uing they could not preuaile in attempting to win the towne of Newcastell,The Scots returne home. they diuided their spoiles and returned home.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 About the same time, to wit, a little before Christ|masse, the lord Robert Clifford,The lord Clif+ford inuadeth Annandale. with the power of the citie of Carleill, entred Annandale, committing all to the spoile of the footmen, of whome there was a great number. The men of armes on horsbacke, be|ing not past an hundred in all, kept togither, and fin|ding their enimies assembled néere to Annankirke,Annankirke. gaue a charge vpon them, and chased them into a marish, within the which they kept them, till the foot|men came in, and assailing them, slue 308 persons,Scots slaine. and tooke diuerse of them prisoners, and returning a|gaine to their market, burnt ten villages, and on Christmasse euen returned with their preie and boo|ties vnto Carleill. In the beginning of Lent they made an other rode,Annankirke burnt. in the which they burnt the church of Annan.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Whilest these things were in hand, prince Edward the kings eldest son, and other, which had the rule of the realme in the kings absence, sought meanes to pacifie the earles Marshall and Hereford: N Triuet, The froward dealing of the erles of Here|ford & Mar|shall. but they would not agrée, but vpon such conditions as pleased themselues to prescribe, which were, that the king should confirme the ggeat charter, and the charter of EEBO page image 306 forrests, with certeine new articles to be included in the same great charter, and that from thenceforth the king should not charge his subiects so fréelie at his pleasure as before time he had doone, without consent of the states of parlement, and that he should pardon his displeasure and malice conceiued against them for denieng to go with him into Flanders. Manie other articles they would that the king should grant, confirme, pardon and establish. The which were all sent ouer into Flanders to the king, that he might peruse them, and declare whether he would agree or disagrée to the same. He as one being driuen to the wall, thought good to yeeld vnto the malice and iniqui|tie of the time, to reconcile the offended minds of the péeres and barons of his realme, and granted vnto all the said articles, confirming the same with his charter vnder his great seale. Abington. A subsidie granted. In consideration wher|of, the nobles of the realme and commons granted to the king the ninth penie of all their goods: the arch|bishop of Canturburie, with the cleargie of his pro|uince, the tenth penie; and the elect of Yorke and those of his prouince, granted the fift penie; towards the maintenance of the war against the Scots, bicause they were next vnto the danger.

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