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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 ¶It should appeare by report of some writers, that Hugh Uéer (whome they wronglie name to be earle of Oxenford) was sent ouer as then from king Ed|ward to the aid of his capteins in Gascoine,The Earle of Oxford then liuing high [...] Robert Ueer and not Hugh Ueer. and at his first comming, recouered the towne of saint Se|uere, and afterwards so valiantlie defended it against the Frenchmen, that honorable mention is made of him, both by Nicholas Triuet, and also by some EEBO page image 295 French writers, N. Triuet. for his high manhood therin shewed. But whether he were brother or sonne to the earle of Oxford, I can not saie; howbeit about the 27 yeare of this king Edwards reigne, we find one Hugh Ueer, that was a baron, whom I take to be this man, but earle I thinke he was not. For (as Euersden saith) one Robert Ueer that was earle of Oxford de|ceassed in the yeare next insuing, and after him suc|céeded an other earle that bare the same name (as by records it may appeare. Polydor. ) Polydor speaking of the siege of S. Seuere, rehearseth not who was capteine as then of the towne, but in the yeelding of it vnto Charles de Ualois, after he had laine more than thrée moneths before it, he agreeth with other writers.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 In the same yeare Berard bishop of Alba and Si|mon archbishop of Bourges, Polydor. Cardinals sent to the kings of En|gland and France to treat a peace. Matth. Westm. two cardinals of the Romane sée, were sent vnto the kings of England and France, to mooue them to conclude a peace. They first came into France, and after into England, but perceiuing the minds of the kings nothing inclined to concord, they returned to Rome without any con|clusion of their purpose, but not without monie ga|thered of religious men to beare out their expenses, for they had authoritie by the popes grant to receiue in name of procuracies and expenses, six marks of e|uerie cathedrall and collegiat church thorough the realme,The cardi|nals gather monie. besides diuerse other rewards. And where any poore chapiter of nunnes or religious persons were not able of themselues, the parish churches next adioining were appointed to be contributorie with them.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 At the same time sir Thomas Turberuile a knight, and one of those (as before ye haue heard) which were taken at Rion, Nic. Triuet. Polydor. Matth. Westm. Sir Thomas Turberuiles promise to the French king. to saue his life, and to deliuer him|selfe out of captiuitie, though he was neuer proued false before, promised king Philip that if he would suffer him to returne into England, he would so worke with king Edward, that he might be made by him admerall of the seas; which thing brought to passe he would deliuer the English nauie into the hands of the said king Philip. Herevpon was he set at li|bertie, and ouer he came into England. And for as much as he had knowne to be a man of singular and approued valiancie, king Edward receiued him verie courteouslie, who remembring his promised practise to the French king, fell in hand by procuring of fréends to be made admerall of the seas. But king Edward (as God would haue it) denied that sute.

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