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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 In the meane time,The king en|treth into Wales. the king of England passing ouer the riuer of Conwey, with part of his armie to go further into Wales towards Snowdon, lost ma|nie carts and other cariages which were taken by the Welshmen, being loden with the prouisions of vit|tels, so that he with his people indured great penu|rie, and was constreined to drinke water mixt with honie, and eat such course bread and salt flesh as he could get, till the other part of the armie came vnto him. There was a small quantitie of wine amongst them, Abington. which they would haue reserued onelie for the king, & therfore refused to tast therof. But least they should repine at his extraordinarie and seuerall fare, and so by conceits of discontentment for not ha|uing the like, he considered in a sympathie, that,

Quae mala cum multis patimur, leuiora videntur,
saieng, that in time of necessitie all things ought to be common, and all men to be contented with like diet. For as touching him (being the cause and pro|curer of their want) he would not be preferred before any of them in his meats and drinks. The Welsh|men compassed him about in hope to distresse him, for that the water was so risen, that the residue of his armie could not get to him. But shortlie after, when the water fell, they came ouer to his aid, and there|with the aduersaries fled.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The earle of Warwike,The earle of Warwike. N. Triuet. hearing that a great number of Welshmen was assembled togither, and lodged in a vallie betwixt two woods, he chose out a number of horssemen, with certeine crossebowes and archers, and comming vpon the Welshmen in the night, compassed them round about, the which pitching the ends of their speares in the ground, and turning the points against their enimies, stood at de|fense so to keepe off the horssemen. But the earle ha|uing placed his battell so, that euer betwixt two horssemen there stood a crosbow, a great part of the Welshmen which stood at defense in maner aforesaid with their speares,The Welsh|men ouer|throwne by the earle of Warwike. were ouerthrowne and broken with the shot of the quarels, and then the earle char|ged the residue with a troope of horssmen, and bare EEBO page image 294 them downe with such slaughter, as they had not sus|teined the like losse of people (as was thought) at a|nie one time before.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 In the meane while, king Edward to restreine the rebellious attempts of those Welshmen,The woods in Wales cut downe. caused the woods of Wales to be cut downe, wherein before time the Welshmen were accustomed to hide them|selues in time of danger. He also repared the castels and holds in that countrie, and builded some new, as the citie and castell of Bewmarise with other,Beaumarise built. so that the Welshmen constreined through hunger and fa|mine, were inforced within a while to come to the kings peace. Also at length about the feast of saint Laurence, the Welshman Madoc, that tooke him|selfe for prince of Wales was taken prisoner, and being brought to London was committed to perpe|tuall prison. ¶By some writers it should appeare, that Madoc was not taken,Madoc ta|ken prisoner. Abington. but rather after ma|nie aduentures & sundrie conflicts, when the Welsh|men were brought to an issue of great extremitie; the said Madoc came in and submitted himselfe to the kings peace, and was receiued, vpon condition that he should pursue Morgan till he had taken him and brought him to the kings prison, which was doone, and so all things in those parts were set in rest and peace, and manie hostages of the chéefest amongst the Welsh nobilitie were deliuered to the king,Welshmen imprisoned. who sent them to diuerse castels in England where they were safelie kept almost to the end of the warres that fol|lowed with Scotland.

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