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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Furthermore, that blessed king S. Edward, gaue the kingdome of Scotland vnto Malcolme the sonne of the king of Cumberland, to hold the same of him. Againe, William Bastard the Norman conqueror, in the sixt yeare of his reigne vanquished Malcolme king of Scotland, and receiued of him an oth of feal|tie. Also, Will. Rufus did the like vnto Malcolme king of Scots, and two of his sonnes that successiue|lie reigned ouer that realme. Also, Alexander succee|ded his brother Edgar in the kingdome of Scotland, by consent of K. Henrie the first. Also Dauid king of Scotland did homage to K. Stephan, & William K. of Scots did homage to Henrie, the son of K. Hen|rie the second, when in his fathers life time he was crowned; and againe, to Henrie the father in the 20 yeare of his reigne, as by an agreement made be|twixt them two it dooth appeare. Also, Roger Houe|den saith, that William king of Scotland came to his souereigne lord king Henrie into Normandie, and likewise to king Richard, and moreouer to king Iohn at Lincolne, dooing to them his homage. Also, in the chronicles of S. Albons it is found, that Alex|ander king of Scotland married at Yorke Marga|ret the daughter of king Henrie the third, in the 35 yeare of his reigne, and did to him homage.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 And further, when king Edward himselfe was crowned at Westminster, in the yeare of our Lord 1274, being the second of his reigne, the last deceas|sed K. of Scotland, Alexander the third of that name did homage vnto him at Westminster the morrow after the coronation. All which homages and fealties thus done by sundrie kings of Scotland, vnto sun|drie kings of England, were directlie and most ma|nifestlie prooued to be doone for the realme of Scot|land, and not onelie for the lands which they held of the kings of England within England, as the Sco|tish writers would séeme to colour the matter. But things being then fresh in memorie, no such cauilla|tion might be auerred.K. Edward recognised for superiour lord of Scotland. And so herevpon king Ed|wards title being substantiallie prooued, he was re|cognised superiour lord of Scotland, of all them that pretended title at that time to that kingdome, by writings thereof made and confirmed vnder their seales, the which being written in French conteined matter as here followeth.

9.1. The copie of the charter in French.

The copie of the charter in French.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 _ATous ceulx, qui ceste presente lettre verrunt ou orrunt, Florence counte de Holland, Robert de Brus seigneur du Val Danand, Iehan Baliol seigneur de Galloway, Iehan de Hastings seigneur de Aberge|uenne, Iehan Comin seigneur de Badenaugh, Pa|trique de Dunbar counte de la Marche, Iehan de Vescy pur son pere, Nichol de Seules, & Guilaum de Ros, saluz en dieu. Come nous entendons d'auger droyt en reaume d' Escoce, & celle droyt monstrer, chalẽger, & auerer deuant celuy, que plus de poer, iurisdiction, & reeson, eust de trier nostre droyt, & l' noble prince sire Edward, par la grace de dieu, roy d' Angleterre, nous a enforme per bonnes & suffisaunt reesons, que aluy apent, & auer doit la souerein seigneurie, du dict reaume d' Escoce, & la cognisaunce de oir, trier & terminer nostre droyt. Nous de nostre propre volunté, sanz nulle maniere de force ou destresse, voluns, otrions, & grantons de receiuré droyt deuaunt luy, come souerein seig|neur de la terre. Et voluns ialemeins, & promet|tons, que nous auerons, & tendrons, ferme, & esta|ble son fait, & que celuy emportera le reaume, a qui droyt le durra deuant luy. En testimoigne de ceste chose, nous auons mis nous seaules a ceste escript. Fait & donné a Norham, le mardi prochein apres la Ascension, l'an de Grace, 1291.

9.2. In English thus.

In English thus.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 _TO all them that these present letters shall see or heare, Florence earle of Holland, Robert le Bruce lord of An|nandale, Iohn Comin lord of Bade|naw, Patrike de Dunbar earle of March, Iohn de Baliol lord of Gallowaie, Iohn Hastings lord of Abergeuennie, Iohn de Vescy in stead of his father, Nicholas de Sules, & Walter Ros, send greeting in our Lord. Whereas we intend to haue right in the kingdome of Scotland, and intend to declare, chalenge and proue the same before him that hath the best authoritie, iuris|diction and reason to examine our right, and that the noble prince the lord Edward, by the grace of God king of England, by good and suf|ficient reasons hath informed vs, that the supe|rior dominion of Scotland belongeth to him, and that he ought to haue the knowledge in the hearing, examining, and defining of our right, we of our free willes, without all violence and constraint, will, consent and grant, to receiue our right before him, as the superior lord of the land. We will also & promise, that we shal haue and hold his deed for firme and stable, and that he shall haue the kingdome, vnto whom before him best right shall assigne the same. In wit|nesse whereof we haue to these letters put our seales. Giuen at Norham, the tuesdaie next after the feast of the Ascension of our Lord, in the yeare of Grace, 1291.

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