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Compare 1577 edition: 1 On Easter daie, which fell this yeare on the ninth of Aprill, being also leape yeare, in the morning about the rising of the sunne, the element was shadowed with such darknesse and thicknesse of aire, that it seemed to waxe night againe, and suddenlie rose an horrible tempest, first of haile and raine, and after of snow, that couered all the earth; and then followed such thunder and lightning, that men were maruellouslie amazed therewith, considering it seemed to be against the nature of the season, for scarse in Aprill shall yee heare anie such thunder. Yet at length it brake vp, and the element recouered hir accustomed cleerenesse.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 In the thirteenth yeare of his reigne, king Edward kept his Christmasse at Bristowe, and held there a priuate councell, but no generall parlement; and this was the first time that anie English king can be remembred, to haue kept any solemne feast at Bristow. The king then leauing his court of chancerie at Bristow, with his children, came to London, where he had not beene almost of three yeares before. Heere came messengers to him from the French king, requiring him to come in person, with a certeine number of men of warre, to aid him in the warres against the king of Aragon, as of right he ought to doo, by reason of the dutchie of Guien which he held of him. The same yeare died William the archbishop of Yorke, after he had gouerned that see six yeares, and then succeeded one Iohn surnamed Romane. About this season, was Marton colledge in Oxenford founded by Walter Marton that was lord Chancellour of England, and after bishop of Rochester. King Edward seized the franchises and liberties of London into his hands, and discharged Gregorie Rokkeslie the maior then being, and appointed for custos and gardian of the citie, one Stephan Sandwich, the which from the day of the conuersion of saint Paule, till the monday following the Purification of our ladie, continued in that office, and was then discharged, and sir Iohn Breton knight charged therewith for the residue of the yeare. There is no certeine knowledge left in records, whie the king tooke such displeasure with the citie, saue that the said Gregorie Rokkeslie then maior, as the fame went, tooke bribes of the bakers, and suffered them to sell bread, lacking six or seauen ounces of weight in a penie loaf. The new worke of the church of Westminster, to the end of the quier, begun (as before EEBO page image 283 is shewed) in the third yeare of king Henrie, was in this yeare fullie finished.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The death of the Scotish king.The nineteenth of March, died Alexander king of Scotland, by a fall which he caught as he ran a stir|ring horsse: he left no issue behind him, nor any cer|teine knowne heire to succéed him, by reason wherof insued great harme to that relme (as in the Scotish historie may more at large appeare.) The manner of whose death (as in Richard Southwell I find it repor|ted) I haue thought good breeflie to touch, for that in recitall thereof, he somewhat disagreeth from the Scotish historie. Rich. South. There went (saith he) a common speach through Scotland all this yeare, before the kings death, that on the same ninetéenth of March the daie of iudgement should be: wherevpon, as the said king sat at dinner in the castell of Edenburgh, hauing a dish of excellent good lampries before him, he sent part therof to one of the lords that sat at some other table not far from him, and willed him by the gentleman that bare it, to be merrie, and haue in min [...] that this was the day of doome. The lord sent him thanks againe, and praied the messenger to tell the king merilie, [...] if this were the daie of doome, they should rise to iudgement spéedilie with their bel|lies filled with good meats and drinks. After they had dined, and the night began to draw on, he tooke his horsse, and onlie accompanied with thrée gentlemen, would needs ride to Kingorne, where the queene his new wife then laie, and before he could get vnto In|nerkenin, it was darke night, so that he tooke there two guides to lead him the waie: but they had not ridden past two miles, but that the guides had quite lost the waie, so that they were driuen to giue their horsses libertie to beat it out themselues.

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