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Compare 1577 edition: 1 During these warres, the king had of the temporaltie, the thirtith part of all their goods, and of the spiritualtie, the twentith part, towards the maintenance of the same warres.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The same yeare also after Michaelmas, the king held a parlement at Acton Burnell, wherein those statutes were ordeined, which vnto this daie beare the name of the place where they were made. In the twelfth yeare of this kings reigne, his eldest sonne Alfonse departed this life at Windsore, and on S. Markes daie his sonne Edward, that after succeeded him in the kingdome, was borne at Carnaruan, where the king had builded a strong castell, and was come thither with the queene at that time, to see the same. Also this yeare, in the quindene of saint Michaell, the iustices itinerants began to go their generall circuits.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 On Easter daie, which fell this yeare on the ninth of Aprill, being also leape yeare, in the morning about the rising of the sunne, the element was shadowed with such darknesse and thicknesse of aire, that it seemed to waxe night againe, and suddenlie rose an horrible tempest, first of haile and raine, and after of snow, that couered all the earth; and then followed such thunder and lightning, that men were maruellouslie amazed therewith, considering it seemed to be against the nature of the season, for scarse in Aprill shall yee heare anie such thunder. Yet at length it brake vp, and the element recouered hir accustomed cleerenesse.

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