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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Stephan not knowing whome he had slaine, re|turned to the host, the which was now mounting vp the hill to ioine with the Welsh armie that stood still looking for the returne of their prince Leolin (though in vaine) yet they manfullie abode by their tackle, discharging plentie of arowes and darts at the Eng|lishmen as they came vp towards them. The Eng|lish archers which were mingled amongst the horsse|men, paid them home againe with their shot, so that finallie the English horssemen, winning the top of the hill, slue manie of them standing stoutlie at de|fense, and put the residue to flight. Stephan Sward that had slaine Leolin, after the victorie was atchi|ued, rode to the dead bodie which he had slaine in the beginning of the battell, and vpon [...]ew taken of him perceiued who he was, of which good hap the English|men were verie ioifull.Leolins head presented to the king. His head was herewith cut off, which the lord Edmund Mortimer tooke with him vnto Rutland (where the king as then was lodged) vnto whome he presented it: and the king sent [...] vn|to London, appointing that there should be an yuie crowne set vpon it, in token that he was a prince, and so being adorned, a horsseman carried it vpon the end of his staffe through Cheapside, holding it as he rode on heigth, that all men might sée it, till he came to the tower, & there it was pight vp aloft vp|on one of the highest turrets, remaining there a long time after.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Thus was the prophesie fulfilled, A prophesie fulfilled. which was told to EEBO page image 282 to him by an old woman taken for a southsaier, of whome he required to know how he should speed in this warre, wherevnto she answered, that he should boldlie go forward in them, for he should ride with a crowne on his head through Cheapside: and so by the deceiueable prophesie he was deluded & brought to destruction. The incounter wherein the Welshmen were vanquished (as before ye haue heard) chanced on the fridaie before S.Lucies day. King Edward being certified thus of the victorie, streightwaies marched foorth with his people, and appointed at euerie passage certeine bands of souldiers to lie in wait for the enimies. Also at the foot of the hilles he left his horssemen, and mounted vp the hilles himselfe, with the residue of his armie. There were certeine Gascoines, whome the lord Iohn Vescie had brought with him out of their countrie, to serue the king, whihc burned manie townes, and slue great numbers of the Welshmen, all that came in their waie, and finalie, giuing an assault to Snowdon castell, they wan it in fine by force.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 In this meane time, the Welshmen, when they saw themselues inclosed, and stopped from all waies to escape, after the maner of wild beastes, fled into the thicke woods & caues, some of them making shift to get downe through the steepe and broken rocks, and some of them seeking to escape by flight, fell into their enimies hands, & were either slaine or taken, and amongst these, about Midsummer was Dauid taken, togither with his wife, his two sonnes, and seauen daughters, and brought to the king, who sent them first to Rutland castell, there to be safelie kept.

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