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Compare 1577 edition: 1 The kings come amen|ded.In this yeare the king tooke order for the amen|ding of his monie and coine, which in that season was fowlie clipped, washed, and counterfeited by those naughtie men the Iewes, and other, as before you haue partlie heard. The king therefore in the octaues of the Trinitie sent foorth commandement to all the shiriffes within the land, that such monie as was counterfeited, clipped or washed, should not be cur|rant from thencefoorth: and furthermore he sent of his owne treasure, good monie and not clipped, vnto certeine cities and townes in the realme, that ex|change might be made with the same till new monie were stamped. About the third daie of August, the first exchange was made of the new monie of pence and farthings; but yet the old monie went all this yeare togither with the new, and then was the old coine generallie forbidden, and commandement gi|uen by publike proclamation, that from thencefoorth it should no more be allowed for currant. Herewith also halfpence, which had beene stamped in the meane time, began to come abroad the same day in which the old monie was thus prohibited.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The lord Roger Mortimer kept a great feast at Killingworth, with iusts and triumphs of an hun|dred knights and as manie ladies, to the which resor|ted lords, knights, & gentlemen from diuerse coun|tries and lands, to shew proofe of their valiancie in the practise of warlike feats and exercises. Anno Reg. 8. 1280 In the meane season king Edward standing in need of mo|nie, N. Tr [...]uet. Polydor. Abington. A shift to get monie. deuised a new shift to serue his turne, as this: namely that wheras he was cheefe lord of many lord|ships, manours, possessions and tenements, he well vnderstood, that partlie by length and proces of time, and partlie by casualties during the troubles of the ciuill warres, manie mens euidences, as their char|ters, déeds, copies and other writings were lost, wa|sted, and made awaie, he therfore vnder colour to put the statute of (Quo waranto) in execution, which was ordeined this yeare in the parlement holden at Glo|cester in August last past (as some write) did now command by publike proclamation, that all such as held any lands or tenements of him, should come and shew by what right and title they held the same, that by such meanes their possessions might returne vnto him, by escheat as cheefe lord of the same, and so to be sold or redeemed againe at his hands.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 This was thought to be so sore a proclamation, as that a more greeuous had not lightlie beene heard of.Ordinances for monie. Men in euerie place made complaint and shewed themselues gréeuouslie offended, so that the king by meanes thereof came in great hatred of his people: but the meane sort of men, though they stood in de|fense of their right, yet it auailed them but little, bi|cause they had no euidence to shew, so that they were constreined to be quiet with losse, rather than to striue against the streame. Manie were thus called to answer, till at length the lord Iohn Warren earle of Surrie, a man greatlie beloue [...] of the people, per|ceiuing the king to haue cast his net for a preie, and that there was not one which spake against him, de|termined to stand against th [...]se so bitter and cruell procéedings. And the [...]e [...]re b [...]ing called afore the iu|stices about this matter, he appeared, and being asked by what right he held h [...] la [...]s suddenlie drawing foorth an old rustie sword;

By this instrument (said he) doo I hold my lands,The saieng [...] the earle of Surrie. [...] by the same I intend to defend them. Our ancestors comming into this realme wi [...]h William the Conquerour, conquered their lands with the sword, and with the same will I defend [...]e from all those that shall be about to take them from me he did not make a conquest of this realme alone, our progenitors were with him as participants and helpers.

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