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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Fiftlie, it was couenanted, that all the homages of Wales should remaine to the king, except onelie of fiue barons which inhabited néere vnto the castell of Snowdon: for otherwise the said Leolin could not conuenientlie call himselfe prince, except he ha [...] some barons vnder him.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Sixtlie, that he should receiue the title and name of prince so long as he liued, and after his deceasse the homages of those fiue barons should reuert to the EEBO page image 279 king and to his heires foreuer.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Seuenthlie the king granted vnto the said Leolin, the lands that belonged N. Triuet. Dauid Leo|lins brother prouided for. [...] his brother Dauid, for [...]arme of the said Leolins life, and in recompense thereof was contented to sa [...]fie the said Dauid with other lands in some other place, the which after the de|cease of the said Leolin [...] Dauid should reuert to the king and his heires.

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