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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 As the king thus laie at Stratford, there came vnto him from the parts of beyond the sea,The earles of Bullongne & S. Paule. A fleét of Gas|coins come to the kings aid. the earle of Bullongne, and S. Paule, with two hundred men of armes, and their suit of other souldiers. Also there ariued in the Thames a fléet of great vessels fraught with Gascoins, and laie afore the tower, abiding the kings pleasure. ¶The earle of Glocester had caused bulworks and barbicans to be made betwixt the tower and the citie; and also in sundrie places where need required ditches and trenches were cast, so that the citie was stronglie fortified. Howbeit now that the said erle and his complices perceiued themselues in manner as besieged, they sought for peace. And by mediation of the king of Almaine, Abington. A peace con|cluded. the lord Philip Basset and the legat Othobone, the same was gran|ted, the ordinance of Killingworth in euerie conditi|on obserued.The Londo|ners pardoned The Londoners were pardoned of their trespasse for receiuing the earle, though they were constreined to paie a thousand marks to the king of Romans, in recompense of the hurts doone to him in burning of his house at Thistleworth.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Whilest the earle of Glocester kept the citie of London against the king, one Henrie de Guderesch, Chron. Dun. Buderesch. steward to the said earle, departing from London, came to the manour house of Geffrey saint Leger at Offeld, which he burnt, and turning from thence came to Brickhill.The lord Graie. The lord Reignold Graie that held of the knights part, aduertised hereof, followed him with his retinue of men of warre, and comming vpon his enimie at vnwares, tooke the said Hen|rie, and slue thirtie of the chéefest of his companie, some he tooke, howbeit manie escaped. But now to our purpose. By this agréement concluded betwixt the king & the earle of Glocester, he also accepted to his grace the lord Iohn Eineley, the lord Nicholas de Segraue, the lord William Marmion, the lord Richard de Graie, the lord Iohn Fitz Iohn, and the lord Gilbert de Lucie, with others: so that all parts of the realme were quieted, sauing that those in the Isle of Elie would not submit themselues: yet at length by mediation of prince Edward they were reconciled to the king, and all the fortresses and de|fenses within that Isle by them made, were plucked downe and destroied.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 But it appeareth by other writers, Euersden. that immediat|lie after the agreement concluded betwixt the earle of Glocester, prince Edward the kings sonne, by set|ting EEBO page image 274 workemen in hand to make a caussie through the fens with boords and hurdels, entred vpon them that kept the Ile of Elie, so that manie of them got out, and fled to London vnto the said earle of Gloce|ster, and other their complices. The residue submit|ted themselues, as the lord Wake, Simon Mont|fort the yoonger, the Pechees and other, vpon conditi|on to be pardoned of life and member: and further, that prince Edward should be a meane to his father to receiue them into fauour. But by other it may rather seeme, that some of them kept and defended themselues within that Ile, till after the agreement made betwixt the king and the earle of Glocester. By order of which agreement there were foure bi|shops and eight lords chosen foorth, which had béene first nominated at Couentrie, to order and prescribe betwixt the king and the disherited men a forme of peace and redemption of their lands. And so in the feast of All saints, Anno Reg. 52. proclamation was made of a full accord and agréement, and what euerie man should paie for his ransome for redéeming his offense a|gainst the king.

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