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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 On the nineteenth of Maie died Robert de Lex|inton clearke,Robert de Lexinton de|parteth this life. the which hauing continued a long EEBO page image 243 time in the office of a iudge, purchased to himselfe great fame, and also most large possessions. But cer|teine yéeres before his death, bicause he was diseased with the palsie, he gaue ouer that office, and drew himselfe into a quiet trade of life, so ending his daies in praiers and dooing of almesdeeds.

The lord Hen+rie Hastings deceaseth.

Robert Mus|champe.

Athelmarie the kings half brother made bishop of Win|chester.

The earle of Salisburie slaine by the Saracens.

About the feast of S. Margaret died Henrie Hastings a noble ba|ron, and one Robert de Muschampe a man of great renowme in the north parts. Also Walter bishop of Winchester departed this life, about the feast of S. Matthew, in whose place (through the kings earnest suit) his halfe brother Athelmare was promoted to succéed. Moreouer, in the east parts, that valiant erle of Salisburie William de Longespee, with Robert de Ueer, and others, was slaine in that vnfortunate battell in the which the Saracens vanquished the christian armie, and tooke Lewes the French king prisoner.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 On the first day of October, the moone vpon hir change, appearing excéeding red and swelled, began to shew tokens of the great tempest of wind that followed,A mightie wind. which was so huge and mightie, both by land & sea, that the like had not bene lightlie knowne, and sildome or rather neuer heard of by men then a|liue. Matth. Paris. The sea forced contrarie to hir naturall course, flowed twice without ebbing, yeelding such a roring noise, that the same was heard (not without great woonder) a farre distance from the shore. Moreouer, the same sea appeared in the darke of the night to burne,The sea see|meth to burne as it had béen on fire, and the waues to striue and fight togither after a maruellous sort, so that the mariners could not deuise how to saue their ships where they laie at anchor, by no cunning nor shift which they could deuise. At Hertburne three tall ships perished without recouerie,Ships lost. Hertburne. Winchelsey. besides other smaller ves|sels. At Winchelsey, besides other hurt that was doone in bridges, milles, breakes and banks, there were thrée hundred houses, and some churches drow|ned with the high rising of the water course. The countrie of Holland beyond the sea, and the marish land in Flanders, susteined inestimable damage, and in manie other places; by reason that riuers beaten backe and repelled (by the rising of the sea) swelled so high that they ouerflowed their chanels, and much hurt was doone in medowes, bridges, milles, and houses.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Anno Reg. 35. The practise of the bishops to disappoint the archbi. of Canturburie of his purposeAbout the beginning of the fiue and thirtith yeare of king Henries reigne, the bishops of England, vn|derstanding that the archbishop of Canturburie was about to purchase of the pope a grant to gather monie through his whole prouince of the cleargie and people for synods and procuracies, they thought to preuent him, and therefore made a collection euerie one through his owne diocesse, of two pence in eue|rie marke which any beneficed man might dispend, which monie so collected, they ment to imploie about charges in the popes court, for the staie of the archbi|shops suit, that the grant should not passe.

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