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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 Also the same season, the earle of Leicester, who had likewise receiued the crosse, deferred his iournie for a time, and sailing into Gascoigne, mightilie there subdued the kings enimies, as Gaston de Bierne, also one Rusteine, and William de Solares. This yeare died Peter de Geneure, a Prouancois borne,Peter de Ge|neure. whome the king had preferred in marriage vnto the ladie Maud, daughter and heire of Walter Lacie a man of faire possessions in Ireland. Of which marri|age there came issue a sonne and a daughter. Also a|bout Whitsuntide died a noble baron of the north EEBO page image 242 parts,The deceasse of Roger Fitz Iohn. named the lord Roger Fitz Iohn, whose sonne and heire being yoong, was giuen in wardship to William de Ualence the kings halfe brother. Also this yeare Hugh earle of March, father to the same William de Ualence died in Cipres,The death of Hugh le Brun. whilest the French armie wintered there, as then going into the holie hand.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 Anno Reg. 34. The archb. of Canturburie inthronized.In the feast of All saints, the archbishop Bonifa|cius was inthronized at Canturburie, and kept a so|lemne feast, at the which the king and queene, with the more part of all the prelats of the land were present. About this season was a great tornie and iusts hol|den at Brackley,A tornie hol|den at Brack|ley, or (as some copies haue) at Barkley. where the earle of Glocester (con|trarie to his accustomed maner) fauoured the part of the strangers, wherby they preuailed. In somuch that William de Ualence handled one sir William de Odingesselles verie roughlie, the same sir William being a right woorthie knight. About the same time, the countesse of Cornewall at Berkehamstéed was deliuered of a sonne named Edmund.Edmond son to Richard earle of Corn|wall borne. This yeare about the beginning of the spring, the kings brother the earle of Cornewall with other Noble men of the realme, as the earle of Glocester, Henrie Hastings baron,An ambassage sent to the pope. & Roger Thurkebie, went ouer into France in princelie arraie and furniture to visit the pope, who held his court still at the citie of Lions. The bishop of Lincolne also and the bishop of Worcester went thi|ther. For what cause the other went, it was not open|lie knowne. But the bishop of Lincolne went thi|ther about such businesse as he had in hand against the Templers, Hospitalers, and such other which had appealed from him to the court of Rome, where he could not bring his purpose to passe, for his aduersa|ries with monie had purchased the iudges fauour. And so the bishop returned, hauing spent his trauell and monie in vaine.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The king ta|keth on him the crosse.On the 6 of March being sundaie, the king tooke vpon him the crosse, with his brother de Ualence, and a great number of other Noble men, and amongst other the abbat of Burie, to the preiudice (as was thought) of his order. Roger de Monthault, a baron of great honour,The lord Ro|ger de Mont|hault. meaning verelie to go in that iour|nie, to recouer monie towards his necessarie furni|ture, set and sold the most part of his liuings. His woods and possessions, which he had about Couentrie, he sold and let to fee farme vnto the couent there. The like chieuance was made by sundrie noble men, which prepared themselues to go in that iournie.

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