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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Herevpon the king being entred the countrie,The king in|uades Wales. He buildeth a castell at Gannoke. in|uaded the same, vnto the confines of Snowdon, and there he began to build a strong castell at a place cal|led Gannoke, remaining there about the space of+ten wéeks, during the which, the armie suffered great miserie through want of vittels and other prouisions namelie apparell, and other helps to defend them|selues from cold, which sore afflicted the souldiers and men of warre, bicause they laie in the field, and winter as then began to approch. Moreouer, they were driuen to kéepe watch and ward verie strong|lie, for doubt to be surprised by sudden assaults of the enimies, the which watched vpon occasion euer to doo some mischéefe.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 The morrow after the Purification of our ladie, Isabell de Boulbec countesse of Oxenford departed this life,

The decease of the coun|tesse of Ox|ford, and of the earle of Deuonshire. Geffrey de March de|ceaseth.

The decease of Raimond earle of Pro|uance.

The decease of the lord Humfreuile.

and likewise the morrow after saint Ualen|tines day died Baldwine de Riuers earle of De|uonshire and of the Wight. Moreouer, Geffrey de March, a man sometime of great honour and posses|sions in Ireland, after he had remained long in ex|ile, and suffered great miserie, ended the same by na|turall death. Also Raimond earle of Prouance, father to the quéenes of England and France deceassed this yeare, for whome was kept in England a most solemne obsequie. Also in the wéeke after Palme-sundaie, died a right noble baron, and warden of the north parts of England, the lord Gilbert Hum|freuile, leauing behind him a yoong sonne, the custo|die of whome the king forthwith committed to the earle of Leicester, not without the indignation of the earle of Cornewall, who desired the same.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Finallie, Anno. Reg. 30. after that the king had lien at Gannoke about the fortifieng of the castell there, the space of ten wéekes, and saw the worke now fullie finished, he appointed foorth such as should lie there in garison, and therewith, on the morrow after the feast of Si|mon and Iude, he raised his field, and returned to|wards England, leauing the Welshmen in great miserie, and like to starue for want of necessarie food.

The king' re|turneth foorth of Wales.

Irishmen de|stroied An|glesey.

For the Ile of Anglesey, which is as a nursse to the Welshmen, those Irishmen that came to the kings aid, had vtterlie wasted and destroied. Againe, the king of purpose had consumed all the prouision of corne and vittels which remained in the marshes, so that in Cheshire, and other the parts adioining, there was such dearth,A dearth. that the people scarse could get suf|ficient vittels to susteine themselues withall.

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