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8.1. A request made to the pope that he would vouchsafe to confirme the fore|said charter.

A request made to the pope that he would vouchsafe to confirme the fore|said charter.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 _SAnctissimo in Christo patri I. Dei gra|tia summo pontisici, Alexander eadem gratia rex Scotiae, comes Patricius, co|mes de Strathern, comes Leuenox, co|mes de Anegui, comes de Marra, comes de Atho|lia, comes de Ros, comes de Catnes, comes de Buth, Rogerus de Mowbray, Rogerus de Abirne|thiae, Petrus de Mauuere, Richardus Cumin, Wil|helmus de veteri Ponte, Robertus de Bruis, Roge|rus Auenel, Richardus de Sully, Wilhelm de Mur|ray de Dunfel, Wilhelmus de Muref de Petin, Io|hannes Biset iuuenis, Wilhelmus de Lindesey, Io|hannes de Vallibus, Dauid de Lindesey, Wilhelmus Gifford, Duncanus de Ergatilia, I. de Matreuers, Hemerus filius eius, Rogerus comes Wintoniensis, H. comes Oxoniensis, W. de Vescy, Richardus Si|ward, Wilhelmus de Ros, Rogerus de Clere, Hen|ricus filius comitis de Brettere, Eustacius de Stoutville, Malcolmus de Fif comes de Menteth|shire, Walterus filius Alani, Walterus Olifar, Bar|nardus Fraser, Henricus de Bailliol, Dauid Cu|min, Dauid Mareschallus, Dauid filius Ranulfi, Wilhelmus de Fortere, Ioannes de Bailliol, & Ro|bertus de Ros, salutem & debitam cum omni ho|nore reuerentiam.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Sanctitati vestrae significamus, nos sacramen|tum corporaliter praestitisse coram venerabili patre Othone, tituli S. Nicolai in carcere Tulliano dia|cono cardinalium, in Anglia, Scotia, & Hibernia, nunc Apostolicae sedis legato, ac chartam nostram confecisse, quae ita incipit: Sciant praesentes & fu|turi, quòd ita conuenit in praesentia domini Othonis sancti Nicolai, &c. Quae charta penes dominum regem Angliae, & nos remanet chyrographata. I|tem aliam quae sic incipit: Ad omnium vestrum notitiam volumus peruenire. Cùm vt ex forma praecedentium nostrarum pateat obligationum subiecimus nos iurisdictioni vestrae, vt nos & hae|redes nostros, per censuram ecclesiasticam possitis coërcere, si aliquo tempore contra memoratam pa|cem venerimus.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Et si nonnunquam continget, quòd quidam no|strum omnes vel vnus contrauenire temerè praesu|mpserint vel praesumere nituntur vel nitentur; & ex hoc tam animabus nostris quàm haeredum no|strorum graue possit generari periculum, & corpo|ribus nostris & rebus non minimum immineret detrimentum: sanctae paternitati vestrae supplica|mus, quatenus alicui suffraganeorum archiepiscopi Cantuariensis detis in mandatis, vt nos, & haere|des nostros ad praefatae pacis obseruationem compel|lat, prout in instrumentis inde confectis pleniùs continetur. Aliàs super eadem pace quod canoni|cum fuerit anctoritate vestra statuat contradicto|res, &c. Et ad istius petitionis nostrae consumma|tionem praesenti scripto sigilla nostra apposuimus.

8.2. In English thus.

In English thus.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The letter of the lords to pope Inno|cent. _TO our holie father in Christ I. by the grace of God, the highest bishop, A|lexander by the same grace king of Scotland, earle Patrike, the earle of Stratherne, the earle of Leuenox, the earle of Angus, the earle of Mar, the earle of Athole, the earle of Ros, the earle of Catnesse, the earle of Buch, Roger de Mowbray, Laurence de Abir|nethie, Peter de Mauuere, Richard Cumin, William de Veipont, Robert de Bruis, Roger Auenel, Nicholas de Sulley, William de Mur|ray de Dunfel, William de Murray de Petin, Iohn Biset the yoonger, William de Lindesey, Iohn de Valeis, Dauid de Lindesey, William Gifford, Duncan de Ergile, Iohn de Matreuers, Eimere his sonne, Roger earle of Winchester, Hugh earle of Oxford, William de Vescy, Ri|chard Siward, William de Ros, Roger de Clere, Henrie Fitz conte de Brettere, Eustace de Stou|teuille, earle Malcolme of Fife, the erle of Men|tethshire, Walter Fitz Alaine, Walter Olifard, Barnard Fraser, Henrie de Baillioll, Dauid Cu|min, Dauid Mareschall, Dauid Fitz Randulfe, William de Fortere, Iohn de Bailioll, and Ro|bert Ros, send greeting and due reuerence with all honour.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 We doo signifie vnto your holinesse, that we haue receiued a corporall oth before the reue|rend father Otho, deacon cardinall of S. Ni|cholas In carcere Tulliano, legat to the see apo|stolike, in England, Scotland and Ireland, and haue made our charter or deed, which begin|neth thus; Sciant praesentes, &c. Which char|ter or deed indented and sealed, remaineth with the king of England, and with vs. Also another deed or writing that beginneth thus; Ad om|nium vestrum notitiam volumus peruenire. Whereas therefore by the forme of our prece|dent deeds obligatorie, we haue submitted our selues to your iurisdiction, that you may bridle and restraine vs, and our heires by the ecclesi|asticall censures, if at any time we go against the said peace.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 And if it happen at any time, that any of vs all, or one of vs, shall fortune to presume rashlie and vnaduisedlie to go against it, or be about, or hereafter shall be about so to presume, and ther|by may procure great perill as well to the soules of our owne selues, as of our heires, & no small danger may also be readie through the same our default to light vpon our bodies & goods, we beseech your holie fatherhood, that you will giue in commandement vnto some of the suffragans of the archbishop of Canturburie, that he doo compell vs and our heires vnto the obseruing of the same peace, accordinglie as in the instruments thereof more fullie is contei|ned, or else to order by your authoritie vpon the same peace, that which shall be agreeable to the canons, &c. And to the performance of this our petition, we haue to this present wri|ting set our seales.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 When all things were throughlie concluded, and order taken in what sort the assurances of this accord should passe, the king of Scots returned into the in|ner parts of his realme, and the king of England likewise returned to London. At the same time also,The Welsh|men stirre coles. the Welshmen were verie busie: for hearing that the kings of England and Scotland were agreed, they doubted least all the burthen of the warre would be turned against them. Wherefore (as it were to pre|uent the matter) they began to wast the English con|fines. The king aduertised thereof, sent Hubert Fitz Matthew with thrée hundreth knights or men of armes to defend the English marshes against the EEBO page image 236 Welshmen, that made dailie war against those that dwelled on the marshes, and namelie against the erle of Herford, which chéeflie occasioned this warre, by deteining the land which apperteined vnto the wife of prince Dauid, as in the right of hir purpartie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Matth. Paris. Wherevpon when the Welshmen vnderstood that the king had broken vp his armie and was returned to London, they inuaded their enimies, namelie the said earle of Herfords men and the Mortimers, slea|ing and cutting in péeces two valiant and noble knights, and maiming the third, they slue and ouer|threw of the footbands about an hundred, so that all the English armie was disordered, and the Welsh|men with victorie returned to their places of refuge. Which when the foresaid Hubert Fitz Matthew vn|derstood, the morrow after he made foorth with his thrée hundred waged men of armes, in hope to hem in and take the Welshmen at aduantage: but he was preuented and by them distressed, in so much that he was constreined with losse of men and horsses to returne to his holds, and scarse could be suffered to remaine there in safetie. This yeare Rafe Neuill bi|shop of Cicester and chancellour of England depar|ted this life.The deceasse of the bishop of Cicester.

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