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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 In this season the king sent his iustices itine|rants in circuit about the land,Iustices iti|nerants. William de Yorke, Robert Lexinton iu|stices. the which vnder pre|text of iustice punished manie persons, and so leuied great summes of monie to the kings vse. Sir Wil|liam of Yorke prouost of Beuerley was assigned to visit the south parts, and sir Robert de Lexinton the north parts. Also Richard earle of Cornewall the kings brother, with a nauie of ships sailed into Sy|ria, where in the warres against the Saracens, he greatlie aduanced the part of the christians.The earle of Cornewal go|eth into the holy land. There went ouer with him the earle of Salisburie Willi|am Long espee, and William Basset, Iohn Beau|champe, Geffrey de Lucie, Iohn Neuill, Geffrey Beauchampe, Peter de Breuse, and William Fur|niuall. The erle of Montford also went ouer the same time: but where the earle of Cornewall tooke the sea at Marsiles,The earle of Leice [...]ster go|eth thither also. the earle of Leicester passed through Italie, and tooke the water at Brandize, and with him went these persons of name, Thomas de Fur|niuall, with his brother Gerard de Furniuall, Hugh Wake, Almerike de S. Aumond, Wischard Le|det, Punchard de Dewin, and William de Dewin that were brethren, Gerard Pesmes, Fouke de Baugie, and Peter de Chauntenaie.The earle of Albemarle. Shortlie after also, Iohn earle of Albemarle, William Fortis, and Peter de Mallow a Poictouin, men for their vali|ancie greatlie renowmed, went thither, leading with them a great number of christian souldiors.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 In this yeare and vpon the day of S. Romigius, was the church of S. Paule in the citie of London dedicated by Roger bishop of that citie,The dedicati|on of the church of S. Paule in London. the king and a great number of bishops and other Noble men be|ing present, which were feasted the same day by the said bishop Roger and the canons. Moreouer, there died the same yeare the countesse Isabell, wife to Richard earle of Cornewall, and two earles, Willi|am earle Warren, and Iohn earle of Lincolne,The death of Isabell the countesse of Cornewall. The lord Iohn Fitz Robert. A comet. A battell be|twixt fishes. Matth. Paris. also the lord Iohn Fitz Robert, one of the chéefe barons in all the north parts of the realme. ¶Also in Februa|arie there appeared a comet or blasing starre verie dreadfull to behold, for the space of thirtie daies togi|ther. Moreouer, on the coast of England there was a great battell amongst the fishes of the sea, so that there were eleauen whales or thirlepooles cast on land, beside other huge and monstruous fishes, which appeared to be dead of some hurts; and one of those mightie fishes, comming into the Thames aliue, was pursued by the fishers, and could scarse passe through the arches of London bridge. At length with darts and other such weapons, they slue him before EEBO page image 226 the kings manour at Mortlake, whither they follow|ed him.The kings manour at Mortlake. There was also a great sound heard this yeare in sundrie parts of England at one selfe time, as if it had beene the noise of some mightie moun|taine that had fallen into the sea. And vpon the se|uenth of Maie there chanced a great boisterous wind that sore troubled the skie.A great wind.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 This yeare the king caused the citizens of London, and the gardians of the cinque ports,An oth re|ceiued. and manie o|ther to receiue an oth to be true and faithfull to his sonne prince Edward. The friers preachers and mi|nors, and other men of the church that were diuines, absolued such as had taken on them the crosse, recei|uing of them so much monie as would suffice to haue borne their charges in that iournie, and this not without slander redounding to the church. The same meanes to get monie was practised also by the legat Otho, hauing authoritie therto of the pope. The same yeare the seneshall of Aquitaine came ouer to the king,The sene|shall of Aqui|taine. and let him know, that if timelie prouision were not had, all those countries on the further side of the sea wold be lost. No other incident chanced the same yeare neither in warre abroad, nor in the state of gouernement of the common-wealth at home, whereof any great accompt is to be made, but that the legat Otho got great summes of monie di|uerse waies, of religious men to the popes behoofe: wherevpon certeine abbats made complaints to the king, but in place of comfort they receiued discom|fort, & after knowledge thereof giuen to the legat, he was more extreame with them than he was before.

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