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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Simon the earle of Leicester also perceiuing how the matter went, made shift another waie to get all the monie he could in prest or otherwise (in somuch that he had of one burges of Leicester,The earle of Leicester ga|thereth [...]. named Si|mon Curleuath, fiue hundred markes) and leauing his wife in the castell of Kelingworth, he secretlie de|parted out of the realme, and got him to Rome,He goeth to Rome to get [...] dispensation or rather con|firmation of his marriage to purchase a confirmation of his marriage, which he ea|silie obteined, notwithstanding the archbishop of Canturburies former and verie vehement informa|tion against him, and so hauing brought his purpose about, in the latter end of this yéere, he returned into England, and was ioifullie receiued, first of the king and after of his wife, whome he found at Keling|worth, néere to the time of hir trauell, and shortlie af|ter deliuered of a yoong sonne, whom they called Si|mon after the name of his father.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 At the same time, Frederike the emperour going into Italie,Aid sent forth of England [...] the emperour. had a great number of English souldiers with him, which king Henrie furnished for his aid, EEBO page image 223 vnder the leading of a right valiant warriour, na|med Henrie de Trubleuille,Henrie Tru|bleuille. Iohn Mansel Wil. Hardell. with whome went also Iohn Mansell, whose valiancie in that iournie well appeared, and William Hardell a citizen of Lon|don was treasurer and paimaister to the souldiers. Herewith the pope was sore offended, and wrote his mind thereof to the king, who foorthwith returned an eloquent answer, requiring him to be more fauoura|ble to the emperour, considering his cause was such as could not iustlie offend his holinesse. About the same time, or rather (as by some writers it should ap|peare) somwhat before, the kings sister Ioane quéene of Scotland, comming into England to see hir bro|ther, fell into a sicknesse, and died.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Moreouer, the archbishop of Canturburie retur|ned into England, who at his comming to Rome, obteined little or nothing touching the suit which he had before the pope, for (as some haue written) the le|gat Otho being his heauie fréend, had so stopped the popes eares from hearing any of his complaints, that all his whole trauell did come to none effect. In like manner, Peter des Roches bishop of Winche|ster died this yeare in his manor at Farnham,The bishop of Winchester departeth this life. about the ninth of Iune, which prelat had gouerned that see about 32 yeares. He was a man of great wise|dome and dexteritie in ordering of weightie affaires touching the state of temporall regiment. He buil|ded manie goodlie monasteries, as the abbeies of Hales, Tikborne and Seleborne, with the hospitall at Portesmouth. He made also a notable testament, and besides his bequests which were great, he left his bishoprike so stored and throughlie furnished, that there was not so much diminished of that which he found at his comming in value, as the cattell that serued to draw the verie ploughs.

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