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Compare 1577 edition: 1 The emperor Frederike marieth the king of Eng|lands sister.The same yeare, the emperour Frederike the se|cond, maried the ladie Isabell the kings sister. This Isabell was a most beautifull ladie, of comelie per|sonage, and of age about one and twentie years. She was affianced by procuracie, about the seauen and twentith of Februarie. And after Easter, the archbi|shop of Cullen, and the duke of Louane came ouer from the emperour, to haue the conueiance of hir vn|to the emperors presence.A great and sumptuous feast. There was such a feast hol|den, so sumptuous seruice, so rich furniture, and roi|all banketting kept the day before hir departure from London towards the sea side, that more could not be imagined. The same feast was kept at West|minster on the fift day of May, and the day follow|ing she did set forward, and by easie iournies came to Sandwich, the king bringing hir thither with thrée thousand horsses. Finallie, she tooke the sea the ele|uenth of May, the king taking leaue of hir not with|out teares, when they thus departed the one from the other. And so with prosperous wind and weather shée arriued at Antwerpe, and from thence passed for|ward, till shée came to hir husband the emperour, by whom shée was receiued with great ioy and comfort at Worms, where the marriage was consummate vpon a sundaie, being the two and twentith day of Iulie, or (as Matthew Westminster saith) the seauen and twentith of May, being Whitsunday.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 This yeare the bishop of London pronounced the sentence of excommunication against certeine vsu|rers called Caorsini. But bicause the same vsurers shadowed themselues vnder the pretext of the popes merchants (as they named themselues) they preuai|led so much by the fauour of the court of Rome, Matth. Paris. Usurers cal|led Caorsini, of whome sée more in pag. 211. col. 1. that the said bishop being sicke and feeble, was cited per|emptorilie in the parts beyond the seas, before iud|ges chosen foorth by the same vsurers, to make an|swer for such high iniurie as he had here doone to the popes factors. The bishop willing by the example of [...]em, rather to couer his fathers shame, than to re|ueale it to the whole world, did quietlie put vp the matter: and with commendable patience receiued the proffered wrong, hauing learned this lesson, that

Gaudet patientia duris,
and to pacifie the trouble, suffered their wickednesse, commending in the meane while the cause vnto his patrone S. Paule. And when he preached of the force of faith, he vttered this saieng:The bishop of London his doctrine. If an angell preach contrarie doctrine to vs in these things, let him be accurssed.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 In the twentith yeare of king Henries reigne, Anno Reg. 20. in the Aduent time, the noble baron the lord Robert Fitz Water departed this life, and so likewise did a noble yong man descended of most noble parentage, one Roger de Somerie. On the foureteenth day of Ianuarie insuing,King Henrie marrieth the ladie Elianor daughter to the earle of Prouance. Matth. Paris. the king married the ladie Elia|nor, daughter to the earle of Prouance named Rai|mond. This marriage was solemnized at Cantur|burie, and in the octaues of S. Hilarie next insuing being sunday, shee was crowned queene of Eng|land at Westminster. At the solemnitie of this feast and coronation of the quéene, all the high peeres of the realme, both spirituall and temporall, were pre|sent there to exercise their offices as to them apper|teined.

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