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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Moreouer, in this yeare there were sent certeine persons from pope Gregorie the ninth (that succéeded Honorius) into all the parts of Europe,The pope ex|horteth the christians to make a iour|nie against the Saracens to mooue by preaching the christian people to make a iournie into the holie land against the Saracens. Such a multi|tude by means hereof did assemble togither from all parts, and that within a short time, as the like had sil|dome times beene heard of. It is said, that amongst them there should be to the number of fortie thou|sand Englishmen, Matth. Paris sixtie thousãd. of whome Peter bishop of Win|chester, and William bishop of Excester were the cheefe. Capteins also of that great multitude of cros|sed souldiers that went foorth of sundrie countries were these, Theobald earle of Champaigne, and Phi|lip de Albenie, Polydor. through whose negligence the sequels of this noble enterprise came but to small effect. But to procéed.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 About this time the king minding the benefit of the commonwealth, Anno Reg. 12. 1228 caused the weights and mea|sures generallie within the land to be reformed after one standard. Matth. Paris. Weights and measures. Polydor. Hubert de Burgh crea|ted earle of Kent. Furthermore, he created Hubert de Burgh earle of Kent, the which Hubert how much praise so euer he got at the beginning for his valian|cie shewed in the defending of Douer castell, and in vanquishing the French fléet that was comming to the succour of Lewes by battell on the sea, it is cer|teine, that now he purchased himselfe double as much hatred and euill will, bicause that being of secret councell with the king, and thereby after a sort seque|stred from the lords, he was knowne to dissuade the said prince from restoring of the ancient lawes and customes vnto the people, which the barons oft re|quired: whereby it came to passe, that the more he grew in fauour with the prince, the further he came into the enuie of the Nobilitie, and hatred of the peo|ple, EEBO page image 210 which is a common reward to such as in respect of their maister doo little regard the profit of others, as the prouerbe saith,

Plus quis honoratur hostis tum multiplicatur.

Compare 1577 edition: 1

Stephan arch+bishop of Can|turburie de|parted this life.

Richard We|thersheid ele|cted in his place.

Matth. Paris. Walter Hel|mesham.

Furthermore, vpon the ninth of Iulie Stephan the archbishop of Canturburie died, after he had go|uerned that sée the terme of 21 yeares, after whome succéeded Richard Wethersheid deane of Paules, who was the thrée and fortith archbishop of that sée. The moonks of Canturburie had first elected one of their owne conuent, named Walter de Helme|sham: which election was made by the same moonks the third daie of August next insuing the death of their said archbishop Stephan, but the king would not consent that he should haue the place for diuerse causes, which he obiected: as first, for that he knew him to be such a man as should be vnprofitable, both to him and to his kingdome. Secondlie, bicause his father was a theefe, and thereof being conuict, suffe|red death vpon the gallowes. Thirdlie, for that he himselfe had stood against king Iohn in time of the interdiction.

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