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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 A parlement called.Herevpon therefore he caused a parlement to be summoned at Westminster, there to be holden in the octaues of the Epiphanie: this legat also mooued the king in the behalfe of Fouks de Brent, that he might be restored to his possessions, and inioy his wife as before time he had doone: but the king decla|red that for his manifest treason committed he was iustlie exiled, and not onlie by his, but by the sentence of the nobles and other estates of the whole realme: which answer when the legat had heard, he left off to solicit the king for Fouks, and from thencefoorth tal|ked no more of that matter. Shortlie after by waie of proxie, the said legat gathered a dutie which he claimed of the spiritualtie, that was of euerie con|uentuall church within the realme two markes of siluer.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 In this yeare the king held his Christmasse at Winchester, and after comming to Marlebridge, chanced there to fall sicke,The king to sicke. so that he laie in despaire of life for certeine daies togither. In the meane time also came the daie appointed for the parlement to be|gin at Westminster, where the legat and other of the spiritualtie and temporaltie being assembled, the said Otho shewed the popes letters, and according to the tenour and purport of the same, was earnestlie in hand to haue the priests to grant the yearelie pai|ment of a certeine pension or tribute to the pope, towards the maintenance of his estate, which they generallie denied. When he saw that this bait would not take, he onelie demanded a tenth part of all their spirituall liuings for maintenance of the wars a|gainst the Saracens, which was easilie granted, as more reasonable than the first.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Matt. Westm. Matth. Paris. The cardi|nals request.¶ Here by diuerse credible writers of good credit, it should appeare, that the pope demanded to haue assig|ned vnto him out of euerie cathedrall church two pre|bends, one out of the portion belonging to the bishop, & an other out of the portion belonging to the deane and chapiter: and likewise of the abbeies, where there were seuerall portions, that is to saie, so much of the conuent as belonged to the finding of one moonke, and as much also of euerie abbats liuing as should counteruaile the same. The cardinall vsed iollie per|suasions to induce the prelats to assent to this grant, alledging that the church of Rome was run in great slander for taking of monie in dispatch of suiters causes, which arose by meanes there was no mainte|nance of liuing sufficient for the churchmen there: and therefore he added, how it was the parts of na|turall children to releeue the necessitie of their louing mother, and that except the charitable deuotion of them and other good and well disposed persons were shortlie extended, they should want necessarie main|tenance for the sustentation of their liues, which shuld be altogither an vnséemelie thing for the dignitie of the Romane church.

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