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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Hervpon they caused dailie new articles of agree|ment to be presented in writing vnto the said Lew|es, as from king Henrie. But while these things were a dooing, Matth. Paris. the earle of Penbroke and other the lords that tooke part with king Henrie, hauing ad|uertisement, that a new supplie of men was readie to come and aid Lewes, they appointed Philip de Al|benie and Iohn Marshall to associat with them the power of the cinque ports, and to watch for the com|ming of the aduersaries, that they might kéepe them from landing, who on saint Bartholomews day set forth frõ Caleis, in purpose to arriue in the Thames, and so to come vp the riuer to London. Howbeit Hu|bert de Burgh capiteine of the castell of Douer, to|gither with the said Philip de Albenie and Iohn Mar|shall, with other such power as they could get togi|ther of the cinque ports, hauing not yet aboue the number of 40 ships great & small, vpon the discoue|ring of the French fleet, which consisted of 80 great ships, besides other lesser vessels well appointed and trimmed, made foorth to the sea. And first coasting a|loofe from them,Hubert de Burgh as|saileth the French fléet. till they had got the wind on their backs, came finallie with their maine force to assaile the Frenchmen, and with helpe of their crossebowes and archers at the first ioining, made great slaugh|ter of their enimies, and so grapling togither, in the end the Englishmen bare themselues so manfullie,The French fléet is van|quished. that they vanquished the whole French fléet, and ob|teined a famous victorie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Matth. Paris. Eustace the moonke was found amongst the cap|teins, who although he offered great summes of gold for his ransome,Eustace the moonke taken and beheaded. so that he might haue had his life saued, and also to serue king Henrie, yet the English capitoins would none of that: but Richard the ba|stard sonne of king Iohn, tooke him, and cut off his head,

Richard base sonne to king Iohn.

Eustace the moonke what he was.

and sent it vnto king Henrie his brother, as a witnesse of this their atchieued victorie. This Eu|stace was a Fleming borne, and somtime a moonke, but renouncing his cowle to receiue such heritage as fell to him by the death of his brethren, deceassing without issue, he became a notable pirat, and had doone in his dais much mischeefe to the Englishmen, and therefore was now rewarded according to his demerits. For
Rarò antecedentem scelestumHor. lib. 3. car. od. 2.
Deseruit pede poena claudo.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The spoile and prey of the French ships was verie rich,A rich spoile. so that the Englishmen being loden with riches and honour, vpon their safe returne home were recei|ued with great ioy and gladnesse. But Lewes, after he vnderstood of this mischance happening to his peo|ple that came to his aid, began not a litle to despaire of all other succour to come vnto him at any time héerafter: wherfore he inclined the sooner vnto peace, so that at length he tooke such offers of agreement as were put vnto him, and receiued furthermore a sum of monie for the release of such hostages as he had in his hands,An accord be|twixt K. Hen|rie & Lewes. togither with the title of the kingdome of England, and the possession of all such castels and holds as he held within the realme. ¶The French chronicle (to the which the chronicle of Dunstable and Matthew Paris doo also agrée) affirmeth that he recei|ued fiftéene thousand marks. Moreouer,The English chronicle saith a thousand pounds. the popes le|gat absolued Lewes and all those that had taken his part in the offense of disobedience shewed in at|tempting the warre against the popes commande|ment. Matth. Paris.

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