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Compare 1577 edition: 1 When these words of the lord of Melune were o|pened vnto the barons, they were, and not without cause, in great doubt of themselues, for they saw how Lewes had alredie placed and set Frenchmen in most of such castels and townes as he had gotten, the right whereof indeed belonged to them. And a|gaine, it gréeued them much to vnderstand,The English nobilitie be|ginneth to mislike of the match which they had made with Lewes. how be|sides the hatred of their prince, they were euerie sun|daie and holiedaie openlie accursed in euerie church, so that manie of them inwardlie relented, and could haue bin contented to haue returned to king Iohn, if they had thought that they should thankfullie haue béene receiued.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 In this yeare, about the 17 of Iulie, pope Inno|cent died,The death of pope In|nocent. at whose death (being knowen in England) all they that were enimies to king Iohn greatlie re|ioised, for they were in great hope that his succes|sour would haue rather inclined to their part, than to the kings. But it fell out otherwise,Honorius the third chosen pope. for Honorius the third that succeeded the same foresaid Innocent, mainteined the same cause in defense of king Iohn, as earnestlie or rather more than his predecessour had doone, sending with all spéed his buls ouer into England to confirme Gualo in his former authoritie of legat, commanding him with all indeuour to pro|céed in his businesse, in mainteining the king a|gainst Lewes, and the disloiall English nobilitie that aided the said Lewes. But now to our purpose.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 King Iohn lieng all this while at Winchester, and hauing knowledge how his aduersaries were dailie occupied in most hard enterprises, as in besieging sundrie strong and inuincible places, sent foorth his commissioners to assemble men of warre, and to al|lure vnto his seruice all such, as in hope of prey, were minded to follow his standard, of the which there resorted to him no small number. So that ha|uing gotten togither a competent armie for his pur|pose, he brake foorth of Winchester, as it had béene an hideous tempest of weather, beating downe all things that stood in his waie,The hauocke which king Iohn made in the possessions of his aduer|saries. sending foorth his peo|ple on ech side to wast the countries, to burne vp the townes and villages, to spoile the churches & church|men. With which successe still increasing his furie, EEBO page image 192 he turned his whole violence into Cambridgeshire, where he did excéeding great hurt. Then entring into the countries of Northfolke and Suffolke,Northfolke and Suffolke. he com|mitted the like rage, wast, and destruction, in the lands and possessions that belonged vnto the earle of Arundell, to Roger Bigot, William de Hunting|field, and Roger de Cressey.

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