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Compare 1577 edition: 1 King Iohn in the meane time remaining still in France, and finding at the beginning fortune fauo|rable inough vnto him, by reason his power was much increased by the aid of the Poictouins, determi|ned to attempt the winning of Britaine, for this cause speciallie, that he might by so dooing weaken the French kings power, and partlie also to with|draw him from the wars of Flanders, on which side he had procured likewise the French borders to be inuaded with great force, and that not onelie by the earle and such capteins as he had sent thither, and re|teined in wages, but also by the emperour Otho, who in proper person came downe into that countrie himselfe.The emperor Otho.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Herevpon king Iohn went foorth with all his power of horssemen,K. Iohn in|uadeth Bri|taine. and entering into Britaine, made rodes through the countrie, wasting the same euen to the walles of Naunts: but shortlie after the Britaines assembled togither, vnder the leading of Peter, the son of Robert earle of Drieux (the French kings vncle, who had maried the ladie Adela, daugh|ter to duke Guie of Britaine) and marching foorth in|to the field to defend their countrie from the eni|mies, came to ioine with them in battell. At the first there was a verie sharpe incounter, but at length the Britains being vanquished and put to flight,The Bri|taines put to flight. a great number of them were taken prisoners, and amongst other their capteins, the foresaid Peter was one, whom king Iohn sent awaie with all the rest vnto Angiers,Peter the erle of Drieux his sonne taken prisoner. to be kept in safegard vntill he should re|turne.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 After this, he besieged a castell that stood vpon the banke of the riuer of Loier, called La Roch au|moyne, inforcing his whole indeuour to haue woone it.The French kings sonne came to fight with king Iohn. But yer he could atteine his purpose, he was ad|uertised that Lewes the sonne of king Philip was comming towards him with a great power to raise his siege. Wherefore hauing no great confidence in the Poictouins, and vnderstanding that Lewes brought with him a verie strong armie, he tooke ad|uise of his councell, who iudged that it should be best for him to breake vp his siege and to depart, which he did,

K. Iohn re|moueth to Angiers.

The Poicto|uins subdued by the Frẽch. The battell at the bridge of Bouins,

and went streight waies to Angiers. Lewes (af|ter king Iohn was thus retired) brought the Poicto|uins againe to subiection, and put the chiefe authours of the rebellion to death. In the meane time also his father king Philip with like successe, but in a fough|ten field, vanquished the emperour Otho at the bridge of Bouins on the 28 day of Iulie, as in the hi|storie of France more at large appeare. There a|mong other prisoners, the thrée earles of Flanders Salisburie and Bullogne were taken.

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