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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Then Pandulph kéeping the crowne with him for the space of fiue daies in token of possession thereof,Pandulph restoreth the crowne again to the king. at length (as the popes vicar) gaue it him againe. By meanes of this act (saith Polydor) the same went a|broad, that king Iohn willing to continue the memo|rie hereof, made himselfe vassall to pope Innocent, with condition, that his successors should likewise from thencefoorth acknowledge to haue their right to the same kingdome from the pope. But those kings that succeeded king Iohn, haue not obserued any such lawes of reconciliation, neither doo the auten|tike chronicles of the realme make mention of any such surrender, so that such articles as were appoin|ted to king Iohn to obserue, perteined vnto him that had offended, and not to his successors. Thus saith Polydor.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Howbeit, Ran. Higd. Ranulph Higden in his booke intituled Polychronicon, saith indéed, that king Iohn did not onelie bind himselfe, but his heires and successors, being kings of England,England be|came tributa|rie to the pope. to be feudaries vnto pope Innocent and his successors popes of Rome, that is to say, that they should hold their dominions of them in fee, yeelding and paieng yéerelie to the sée of Rome the summe of seauen hundred marks for England, Matth. West. and thrée hundred marks for Ireland. Furthermore, by report of the most autentike and approued wri|ters, king Iohn, to auoid all dangers, Matth. Paris. which (as he doubted) might insue, despairing as it were in him|selfe, or rather most speciallie for lacke of loiall du|tie in his subiects, consented to all the persuasions of Pandulph, and so (not without his great hart|gréefe) he was contented to take his oth, togither with sixtéene earles and barons, who laieng their hands vpon the holie euangelists, sware with him vpon perill of their soules, that he should stand to the iudgement of the church of Rome, and that if he re|pented him, and would refuse to stand to promise, they should then compell him to make satisfaction. Héervpon, they being all togither at Douer, the king and Pandulph, with the earls and barons, and a great multitude of other people, agréed and concluded vp|on a finall peace in forme as here insueth.

7.1. The charter of king Iohn his submissi|on, as it was conueied to the pope at Rome.

The charter of king Iohn his submissi|on, as it was conueied to the pope at Rome.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 _IOhannes Deigratia rex Angliae, omni|bus Christi fidelibus hanc chartam in|specturis, salutem in Domino. Vniuer|sitati vestrae per hanc chartam sigillo nostro munitam, volumus esse notum, quòd cùm Deum & matrem nostram sanctam ecclesiam of|fenderimus in multis, & proinde diuina misericor|dia plurimùm indigeamus, nec quid dignè offerre possimus pro satisfactione Deo & ecclesiae debita facienda, nisi nosmetipsos humiliemus & regna nostra, volentes nosipsos humiliare, pro illo qui se pro nobis humiliauit vs ad mortem, gratia sancti spiritus inspirante, non vi interdicti nec timore coacti, sed nostra bona spontaneá volun ate, ac communi consilio baronum nostrorum conferimus, & liberè concedimus Deo & sanctis apostolis eius Petro & Paulo, & sanctae Romanae ecclesiae matri nostrae, ac domino papae Innocentio, eiús catholi|cis successoribus, totum regnum Angliae, & totum EEBO page image 178 regnum Hyberniae, cum omni iure & pertinentijs suis, pro remissione omnium peccatorum nostro|rum, & totius generis nostri, tam pro viuis quàm pro defunctis, & amodò illa ab eo & ecclesiae Roma|na tanquam secundarius recipientes & tenentes, in praesentia prudentis viri Pandulphi domini papae subdiaconi & familiaris.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Exindè praedicto domino papae Innocentio, e|iúsque catholicis successoribus, & ecclesiae Roma|nae, secundùm subscriptam formam fecimus & iu|rauimus, & homagium ligium in praesentia Pan|dulphi; si coram domino papaesse poterimus, eidem faciemus: successores nostros & haeredes de vxore nostra in perpetuum obligantes, vt simili modo summo pontifici, quipro tempore fuerit, & eccle|siae Romanae, sine contradictione debeant fidelita|tem praestare, & homagium recognoscere.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Adindicium autem huius nostrae perpetua ob|ligationis & concessionis, volumus & stabilimus, vt de proprijs & specialibus redditibus nostris prae|dictorum regnorum, pro omni seruitio & consue|tudine, quae pro ipsis facere debemus, saluis per om|nia denarijs beati Petri, ecclesia Romana mille marcas Esterlingorum percipiat annuatim: in festo scilicet sancti Michaëlis quingentas mar|cas, & in Pascha quingentas: septingentas scilicet pro regno Angliae, & trecentas pro regno Hyber|niae, saluis nobis & haeredibus nostris, iustitijs, li|bertatibus, & regalibus nostris. Quae omnia, sicut supra scripta sunt, rata esse volentes at que firma, ob|ligamus nos & successores nostros contranon veni|re, & si nos vel aliquis successorum nostrorum con|tra haec attentare praesumpserit, quicun ille fuerit, nisi ritè commonitus resipuerit, cadat à iure regni.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Et haec charta obligationis & concessionis no|strae, semper firma permaneat. Teste meipso, apud domum militum templi iuxta Doueram, coram H. Dublinensi archiepiscopo, Iohanne Norwicensi e|piscopo, Galfrido filio Petri, W. comite Sarisburiae, Willielmo comite Penbroc, R. comite Bononiae, W. comite Warennae, S. comite Winton, W. comite A|rundel, W. comite de Ferarijs, W. Briwere, Petro filio Hereberti, Warino filio Geroldi, 15 die Maij, anno regni nostri decimo quarto.

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