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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 In like maner on the otherside, king Iohn ha|uing his armie in a readinesse, Polydor. Matth. Paris. hasted foorth towards the borders of Scotland, and comming to the castell of Norham, prepared to inuade the Scots. But king Alexander wanting power to giue him battell, sought to come vnto some fréendlie agréement with him, and so by counsell of his lords, casting off his ar|mour,Alexander K. of Scots com+poundeth for peace with king Iohn. he came to the king, and for a great summe of gold (or 11 thousand marks of siluer as some write) with much adoo he purchased peace, deliuering two of his daughters in hostage for more assurance of his dealing. Wherevpon king Iohn, after his re|turne from Norham, Polydor. which was about the 24 of Iune, shewed himselfe not a little displeased with those of the nobilitie, which had refused to attend vp|on him in that iournie, hauing receiued streit com|mandement from him to attend vpon him at that time. Certes the cause why they refused to follow him, was euident, as they said, in that they knew him to stand accursed by the pope. About the same time also, when corne began to wax ripe, to reuenge himselfe of them that had refused to go with him in that iournie, he caused the pales of all the parks & for|rests which he had within his realme to be throwne downe, & the diches to be made plaine, Matth. Paris. that the déere breaking out and ranging abroad in the corne fields, might destroie & eat vp the same before it could be ri|pened, for which act (if it were so in déed) manie a bit|ter cursse procéeded from the mouths of the poore hus|bandmen towards the kings person, and not vnwor|thilie. Moreouer in this season the Welshmen (which thing had not beene séene afore time) came vnto Woodstoke, and there did homage vnto the king, al|though the same was chargeable, aswell to the rich as the poore so to come out of their countrie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 About the same time also, it thanced that a preest slue a woman at Oxford, Matth. Paris. A murther at Oxford. and when the kings offi|cers could not find him that had committed the mur|ther, they apprehended thrée other préests not guiltie of the fact, and streightway hanged them vp without iudgement.Thrée thou|sand as saith Matth. Paris. With which crueltie others of the Uni|uersitie being put in feare, departed thence in great numbers, and came not thither againe of a long time after, some of them repairing to Cambridge, and some to Reading to applie their studies in those pla|ces,Oxford forsa|ken of the scholers. leauing Oxford void. The same yeare one Hugh archdeacon of Welles,Hugh archde|acon of Wels made bishop of Lincolne. Polydor. Matth. Paris. and kéeper of the kings great seale, was nominated bishop of Lincolne; and here|withall he craued licence to go ouer into France vnto the archbishop of Rouen, that he might be con|secrated of him. Wherewith the king was contented and gladlie gaue him leaue, who no sooner got ouer into Normandie, but he streight tooke the high waie to Rome, and there receiued his consecration of Stephan archbishop of Canturburie. Now when the king vnderstood this matter, and saw the dulnesse of the bishop, he was in a wonderfull chafe toward him, and thervpon made port-sale of all his goods, and re|ceiued the profit of the reuenues belonging to the sée of Lincolne for his owne vse.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 ¶ There liued in those daies a diuine named Alex|ander Cementarius, surnamed Theologus,Cementarius who by his preaching incensed the king greatlie vnto all crueltie (as the moonks and friers saie) against his subiects, affirming that the generall scourge where|with the people were afflicted, chanced not through the princes fault, but for the wickednesse of his peo|ple, for the king was but the rod of the Lords wrath, and to this end a prince was ordeined, that he might rule the people with a rod of iron, and breake them as an earthen vessell, to chaine the mighty infetters, & the noble men in iron manacles. He did see (as it should seeme) the euill disposed humors of the people concerning their dutifull obedience which they ought to haue borne to their naturall prince king Iohn, and therefore as a doctrine most necessarie in that dangerous time, he taught the people how they were EEBO page image 174 by Gods lawes bound in dutie to obeie their lawfull prince, and not through any wicked persuasion of bu|sie heads and lewd discoursers, to be carried away to forget their loiall allegiance, and so to fall into the damnable sinke of rebellion.

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