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Compare 1577 edition: 1 This their feare being apparent to the Englishmen (by their disorder shewed in running vp and downe from place to place with great noise and turmoile) they set vpon them with great violence, and compas|sing them round about, they either tooke or st [...]e them in a manner at their pleasure. And hauing thus put them all to flight, they pursued the chase towards the towne of Mirabeau, into which the enimies made ve|rie great hast to enter: but such spéed was vsed by the English souldiers at that present, that they entred and wan the said towne before their enimies could come néere to get into it. Great slaughter was made within Mirabeau it selfe,Arthur duke of Britaine takẽ prisoner. and Arthur with the residue of the armie that escaped with life from the first bic|kering was taken, who being herevpon committed to prison, first at Falais, Matth. Paris. and after within the citie of Rouen, liued not long after as you shall heare. The other of the prisoners were also committed vnto safe kéeping, some into castels within Normandie, and some were sent into England.

Compare 1577 edition: 1

7.1. King Iohn hauing gotten this victorie, and taken his nephue Arthur, he wrote the ma|ner of that his successe vnto his ba|rons in England, in manner as followeth.

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King Iohn hauing gotten this victorie, and taken his nephue Arthur, he wrote the ma|ner of that his successe vnto his ba|rons in England, in manner as followeth.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 _IOhn by the grace of God king of England, and lord of Ireland, to all his barons sendeth greeting. Know yee that we by Gods good fauour are in sound and perfect health, and through Gods grace that maruellouslie worketh with vs, on tuesdaie before Lammas daie, we being before the citie of Mauns, were aduertised that our mother was besieged in Mirabeau, and therfore we hasted so fast as we possibly might, so that we came thither on Lammas daie, and there we tooke our nephue Arthur, Hugh le Brun, De Castre Erald. Andrew de Chauenie, the vicount of Chateau Erald, Raimond de Touars, Sauerie de Mauleon, and Hugh Bangi, and all other e|nimies of Poictou that were there assembled against vs, to the number of two hundred knights and aboue,252 knights or men of armes besides demilances. so that not one of them es|caped. Giue God therefore thanks, and reioise at our good successe.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The French king at the same time lieng in siege before Arques, immediatlie vpon the newes of this ouerthrow, raised from thence, and returned home|wards, destroieng all that came in his waie, till he was entred into his owne countrie. Anno Reg. 4. It is said that king Iohn caused his nephue Arthur to be brought before him at Falais, and there went about to per|suade him all that he could to forsake his freendship and aliance with the French king, and to leane and sticke to him being his naturall vncle. But Arthur like one that wanted good counsell, and abounding too much in his owne wilfull opinion, made a pre|sumptuous answer, not onelie denieng so to doo, but also commanding king Iohn to restore vnto him the realme of England, with all those other lands and possessions which king Richard had in his hand at the houre of his death. For sith the same apperteined to him by right of inheritance, he assured him, except re|stitution were made the sooner, he should not long continue quiet. King Iohn being sore mooued with such words thus vttered by his nephue, appointed (as before is said) that he should be straitlie kept in pri|son, as first in Falais, and after at Roan within the new castell there. Thus by means of this good suc|cesse, the countries of Poictou, Touraine, and Aniou were recouered.

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