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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The French king tooke the towne of Diep,The warre [...] begun afresh. which king Richard had latelie repared, and burned it, with the ships that harbored [...] the hauen: after this, com|ming to Isoldun, he wan the towne and besieged the castell But king Richard aduertised thereof, came with quicke spéed (making of thrée daies iournie but one) and entred into the castell of Isoldun to defend the same against his aduersaries:The has [...] which king Richard made and foorthwith there resorted such numbers of men vnto him, when they heard how he was besieged, that the French king doubting how to retire from thence in safetie, made suit first to haue licence to depart, and after when that would not be granted, he required at the leastwise to talke with the king of England about some agréement.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Wherevnto king Richard condescended,The 2 kings againe talke togither of peace, and so comming togither, they concluded vpon a truce to indure from that daie, being saturdaie next after the feast of saint Nicholas, vnto the feast of saint Hila|rie next insuing, and then to méet againe néere vnto Louiers with their councels, that they might grow by some reasonable way vnto a finall peace and con|cord. And according to this article, shortlie after the same feast of S. Hilarie, they met at Louiers, where finallie they were accorded to conclude a peace on these conditions,The conditi|ons of peace concluded be|twixt the two kings. Matth. Paris that the French king should release to the king of England Isoldun, with the countrie about, woon by him sith the beginning of these wars; likewise, all the right which he had in Berrie, Au| [...]ergine, and Gascoigne, and the countie of Al|bemarle. On the other part, Matth. West. the king of England should resigne Gisors, and certeine other places, and namelie Ueurine or Ueulquesine vnto the king of France.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Herevpon were suerties also bound for perfor|mance, Matth. West. Matth. Paris. and the forfeiture of fiftéene thousand marks assigned to be paid by the partie that first brake the peace. Shortlie after, the French king repenting him selfe of the agreement, began to make a warre a|new, so that king Richard seized into his hands all the goods and possessions which belonged to the ab|bats of the order of the great monasterie of Clunie, and of saint Denise & la Charitie, which had become suertie for the French king in the summe of 1500 marks aforesaid. Rog. Houed. The earle of Albemarle de|parted this life This yeare died William de Forz earle of Albemarle, in whose place succéeded Bald|wine de Betun by the kings gift, and married the countesse of Albermarle.

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