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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Now the king (after he had gathered a great por|tion of monie, and ordeined diuerse things for the be|hoofe of the common-wealth, thereby to satisfie the harts of the people) prepared himselfe to saile into Normandie. Rog. Houed. But first he reconciled the archbishop of Yorke, and the bishop of Elie lord chancellour, as|well for the apprehension & imprisoning of the arch|bishop at Douer, as for the dishonourable expulsion of the chancellour out of England, in such wise that the chancellour should vpon reasonable summons giuen to him by the archbishop, sweare with the hands of an hundred préests with him, that he neither commanded nor willed that the archbishop should be apprehended. The controuersie betwixt the two archbishops about the bearing of their crosses, the king would not meddle withall, for (as he said) that perteined to the pope. Yet the archbishop of Cantur|burie complained to king Richard of the iniurie doone to him at that present by the archbishop of Yorke, presuming within his prouince to haue his crosse borne before him. At length when the kings prouision was once readie for his voiage into Nor|mandie, he came to Douer, and hearing that the French king had besieged the towne of Uernueil, and that the same was in danger to be taken, he tooke the sea togither with his mother quéene Elia|nor on the ninth daie of Maie,The king transporteth ouer into France. and transporting ouer into Normandie, arriued at Harfléet with an hun|dred great ships fraught with men, horsses and ar|mour.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The French king hearing of king Richards arri|uall, and that he was comming with a great power to the succour of them within Uernueil, and was alreadie incamped néere to the towne of the Eagle,The French king raiseth his siege from Uernueil. he plucked vp his tents in the night before Whitsun|daie, and leauing the siege, departed from thence, and tooke a certeine small fortresse by the waie as he marched, wherein he left a few souldiers to keepe it to his vse. King Richard herewith entring into the French dominions, sent three bands of souldiers to|wards Uale de Ruell, and went himselfe vnto Lo|ches, and besieging that castell wan it within a short time. The Normans also recouered the citie of Eu|reux out of the French mens hands, N. Triuet. but those that were sent vnto Ruell, and had besieged the castell there an eight daies without anie gaine, hearing that the French king was comming towards them, departed thence, & came backe to the kings campe, wherevpon the French king comming to Ruell ra|ced it to the ground, bicause his enimie should not at anie time in winning it nestle there to the further damage of the countrie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 About the same time Rog. Houed. Robert earle of Leicester is|suing foorth of Rouen in hope to worke some feat to the damage of the Frenchmen, as he rode somewhat vnaduisedlie in the lands of Hugh Gourney,The earle of Leicester ta|ken prisoner. fell within danger of his enimies, who tooke him priso|ner, and a few other that were in his companie. The French king after this came with his armie into the coasts of Touraine, and marched neere Uandosine, and there incamped, whereof king Richard being ad|uertised, drew néere to Uandosme, meaning to as|saile the French king in his campe, who hauing knowledge thereof dislodged with his armie earlie in the morning, and fled awaie (to his great disho|nour) in all hast possible. The king of England with his people following in chase of the French men slue manie, and tooke a great number of prisoners, a|mongst whom was the French kings chéefe treasu|rer. Also the Englishmen tooke manie wagons and sumpters laden with crossebowes, armour, plate, ap|parell, and the furniture of the French kings chapell. This chanced about 37 daies after his fléeing in the night from Uernueil, of which two flights of the French king (in maner as ye haue heard) we find these verses written:

Gallia fugisti bis, & hoc sub rege Philippo,
Nec sunt sub modio facta pudenda tuo.
Vernolium sumit testem fuga prima, secunda
Vindocinum, noctem prima, secunda diem.
Nocte fugam primam rapuisti manè secundam,
Prima metus vitio, ví secunda fuit.
France, twice thou fledst, while Philip reignd,
the world dooth know thy shame,
For Vernueil witnesse beares of th'one,
next Vandosme knowes the same.
EEBO page image 145The first by night, the next by day,
thy heart and force doo showe,
That first through feare, and next by force,
was wrought thine ouerthrowe.

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