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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Moreouer king Henrie shortlie after his returne at this time into England, assembled a great armie, and went with the same to Caerleill, in purpose to haue entred Galloway, and there to haue chastised Rouland lord of that countrie, who was sonne to U|thred the sonne of Fergus, for the iniuries doone to his coosine germains, namelie to Duncane sonne to Gilbert, who was sonne to the same Fergus, in spoi|ling him and the residue (after the deceasse of the said Gilbert) of their parts of inheritance, vsurping the whole to himselfe. But as the king was now readie to inuade his countrie, Rouland came to him, and vsed such meanes vnder pretense of satisfaction, that he made his peace with the king, who therevpon brought backe his armie, and did no more at that time.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 About the same time came newes to the king,Hugh Lacie slaine. that Hugh Lacie was slaine in Ireland by an Irish gentleman that was his confederate (or rather by a labourer, as in the Irish historie you may read) whereof the king was nothing sorie, bicause the same Hugh was growne to so high degrée of puis|sance in that countrie, that he refused to obeie the kings commandement when he sent for him.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 ¶ It is to be noted, that when king Henrie had conquered the most part of Ireland, and set the coun|trie in some good order, after his comming from thence, such capteines as he left there behind him, EEBO page image 103 were not idle, but still did what they could to inlarge the confines which were committed to their gouer|nance: but amongst them all this Hugh Lacie was the chéefest, in somuch that after the death of Richard earle of Striguile,Hugh Lacies diligence to inlarge his possessions in Ireland. the king made him gouernour of the countrie in place of the said earle, by reason whereof he so inlarged his possessions, that within a while he became dreadfull, not onelie to the enimies, but also to his associats, as to such English capteins as were abiding in Ireland vpon gard of the Eng|lish frontiers. For if any of them disobeied his com|mandement, he would not sticke to chastise them at his pleasure, so that by such meanes he seemed rather to conquer the countrie to his owne vse, than to the kings. Wherein he dealt not so directlie or discréetlie as he might; for,

Homines volunt allici non impelli.

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