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Compare 1577 edition: 1 In the meane time Richard the archbishop of Canturburie, and diuerse other bishops and abbats both of England and Normandie assembled togither at Caen, and in the abbeie church of S. Stephan pro|nounced the sentence of excommunication against all those that did hinder and impeach their purpose, which was to haue peace and concord concluded be|twixt the king and his sonnes, the same sonnes onlie out of the said sentence excepted.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Diuerse shiftes were made by king Henrie the sonne, and his brother earle Geffrey also to get mo|nie for the paiment of their souldiers, as spoiling of shrines, and such like. But at length when things framed not to their purpose, and that the harme which they could doo against their father was much lesse than they wished, if power had béene answerable to their w [...]es,King Henrie the sonne fal|leth sicke. king Henrie the sonne through indigna|tion and displeasure (as some write) fell into a grée|uous sicknesse in a village called Mertell, no [...] farre from Limoges, where his father laie at siege.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 At the first he was taken with an extreame fe|uer, and after followed a sore flixe. Now perceiuing himselfe in danger of death, and that the physicians had giuen him ouer,He sendeth to his father [...] he sent to his father (better late than neuer) confessing his trespasse committed a|gainst him, and required of all fatherlie loueth [...] & sée him once before he died But for that the father thought not good to commit himselfe into the hands of such vngratious persons as were about his sonne, he sent his ring vnto him in token of his blessing, EEBO page image 107 and as it were a pledge to signifie that he had forgi|uen him his vnnaturall doings against him. The son receiuing it with great humilitie, kissed it, and so en|ded his life in the presence of the archbishop of Bur|deaux and others, on the day of saint Barnabie the apostle. He died (as some write) verie penitent and sorowfull.

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