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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Appeales made.After this, followed appealings, the archbishop of Yorke appealed to Rome, and the legat also for his owne safegard appealed the archbishop of Canturbu|rie vnto Rome, which archbishop submitting him|selfe and his cause vnder the popes protection, made a like solemne appeale from the legat to the pope. The legat perceiuing that the matter went otherwise than he wished, and séeing little remedie to be had at that present, gaue ouer his legatship as it had béene of his owne accord, though greatlie against his will, and prepared himselfe to depart. Neuerthelesse, through mediation of fréends that tooke paines be|twixt them, they gaue ouer their appeales on either side, and dissembled the displeasures which they had conceiued either against other, but yet the conuoca|tion was dissolued for that time,The conuo|cation dissol|ued. and the two archbi|shops presented their complaints to the king, who kept his Easter this yeare at Winchester, and about the same time or shortlie after, licenced his sonne Henrie to saile ouer into Normandie, meaning shortlie after to go vnto Compostella in Spaine, to visit the bodie of saint Iames the apostle, but beeing otherwise aduised by his fathers letters, he disconti|nued his purpose and staied at home.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The same yeare, the ladie Iohan the kings daugh|ter was giuen in marriage vnto William king of Sicill. Also the same yeare died the lord cheefe iustice of Ireland, Robert earle of Striguill otherwise Chepstow, N. Triuet. then was William Fitzaldelme ordeined lord cheefe iustice in his place, who seized into the kings hands all those fortresses which the said earle of Striguill held within the realme of Ireland. R. Houed. N. Triuet. The Irishmen also paied to the king a tribute of twelue pence yearelie for euerie house,A tribut grã|ted by the I|rish. or else for euerie yoke of oxen which they had of their owne. William earle of Arundell died also this yeare at Wauerley, and was buried at Wimondham.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 This yeare, R. Houed. when it might haue beene thought that all things were forgotten touching the rebellious at|tempts made against king Henrie the father by his sons, and other (as before ye haue heard) he caused the wals both of the towne and castell of Leicester to be raced,The wals of the towne and castell of Lei|cester raced. and all such castels and places of strength as had béene kept against him during the time of that rebellion, to be likewise ouerthrowne and made plaine with the ground, as the castels of Hunting|ton, Waleton, Growby, Hey, Stutesbirrie or Ster|desbirrie, Malasert, the new castell of Allerton, the castels of Fremingham and Bungey, with diuers o|ther both in England and Normandie. But the ca|stels of Pascie, and Mountsorell he reteined in his owne hands as his of right, being so found by a iurie of fréeholders impanelled there in the countrie; fur|ther, he seized into his hands all the other castels of bishops, earles and barons,Elianor the kings daugh|ter married to the king of Castile. both in England and Normandie, appointing keepers in them at his plea|sure. This yeare also he married his daughter E|lianor vnto Alfonse king of Castile.

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