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Compare 1577 edition: 1 The same yeare died Reignold earle of Cornwall, N. Triuet. Reignold erle of Cornewall departed this life. bastard sonne to king Henrie the first without heirs male, by reason whereof the king tooke into his hands all the inheritance of lands and liuings which he held within England, Normandie and Wales, except cer|teine portions which the daughters of the same earle had by assignement allotted to them. Also Richard earle of Glocester deceassed this yeare, and his sonne Philip succeeded him.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The same yeare was a synod of the cleargie kept at Westminster, Matth. West. A synod held at London. wherein many things were decréed for the conseruation of religion. Amongst other things it was prouided, that those abbeies and chur|ches which were void of gouernours, and could haue none placed in them by the time of the late ciuill warres, should now be committed vnto men wor|thie to enioy the same, for the reformation of disor|ders growne and plentifullie sproong vp in time of the vacations.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The realme now brought into good order and de|liuered from the troubles of warre, as well at home as abroad, W. Paruus. The king of Scots dooth homage to the king of Eng|land. the king being at good leisure determined to ride about a great part of the realme, and com|ming to Yorke, sent for the king of Scots to come and doo his homage. Now the king of Scots (accor|ding to couenants before concluded) came vnto Yorke in the moneth of August, where dooing his ho|mage about the twentith day of the same moneth in S. Peters church, the king granted further by his letters patents, that he and his successours kings of Scotland, should doo homage and fealtie to the kings of England, so often as they should be necessarilie required therevnto. In signe and token of which sub|iection, the king of Scots offered his hat and his sad|dle EEBO page image 96 vpon the altar of S. Peter in Yorke, which for a remembrance hereof was kept there many yeares after that day.

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