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Compare 1577 edition: 1 This yeere the moonks of Canturburie (by the kings assent) chose for their archbishop one Richard, who before was prior of Douer, this man was the 39. in number that had ruled the church of Canturburie, Matth. West. N. Triuet. being of an euill life, as he well shewed, in that he wasted the goods of the church inordinatlie. Roger the abbat of Bechellouin was first chosen, but he re|fused that dignitie rather for slothfulnes and idlenes (as some take it) than for modestie or wisedome: so hard a thing it is to please the people, which measure all things to be honest or dishonest, as they eb or flow in profit and gaine. Matth. Paris.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The said Richard, after that he was elected, did ho|mage vnto king Henrie, and sware fealtie vnto him (Saluo semper ordine suo, His order alwaies saued) with|out making mention of the customes of the king|dome. This was doone at Westminster in the chap|pel of S. Katharine,A councell holden at westmin|ster. the kings iusticer giuing his as|sent therevnto, where a councell was held the same time, and a letter of the popes read there before the bishops and barons of the realme, conteining a|mongst other things this that followeth.

5.1. A breefe extract or clause of a letter which the pope sent to the clergie of England, &c: for the making of a new holie daie.

A breefe extract or clause of a letter which the pope sent to the clergie of England, &c: for the making of a new holie daie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 _WE admonish you all, & by the autho|ritie which we reteine, doo streight|lie charge you, that you celebrat the daie of the suffering of the blessed man Thomas the glorious martyr, sometime archbishop of Canturburie, euerie yere in most solemne sort, & that with deuout praiers ye en|deuour your selues to purchase forgiuenes of sins; that he which for Christes sake suffered banishment in this life, and martyrdome in death by constancie of vertue, through conti|nuall supplication of faithful people, may make intercession for you vnto God.

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