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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Comes Sa|giens [...]s.About this time William Taiuan earle of Sa|gium (by the consent of his sons and nephues) deliue|red into the hands of king Henrie the castels of Ale|rium, N. Triuet. Alerium. and Roch Laberie, with all the appurtenances to the castels belonging.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 About this season also Conan the duke of Britaine departed this life,Conan duke of Britaine deceasseth. Matt. Paris. leauing behind him no issue, but one onelie daughter begot of his wife the dutchesse Constance, the daughter of the king of Scotland, which succéeded him in the estate. Wherevpon king Henrie made earnest suit to procure a marriage be|twixt hir and his sonne Geffrey,

A mariage concluded be|twixt Geffrey the kings son and the Du|chesse of Bri|taine.

Wil. Paruus.

which at length he brought to passe, to the great comfort and contenta|tion of his mind, in that his sonne had by such good fortune atteined to the dukedome of Britaine.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 At that season in Britaine were certeine Noble men of such strength and power, that they disdained to acknowledge themselues subiect to any superior, in somuch that through ambitious desire of rule and preheminence, they warred continuallie one against an other, to the great destruction and vtter vndooing of their miserable countrie, so that the land some|time fruitfull by nature, was as it were a wildernes. Wherevpon, those that were the weaker, perceiuing themselues too much oppressed by the stronger, sub|mitted themselues vnto king Henrie, and required his aid and succour. King Henrie reioising to haue so good an occasion and opportunitie to reduce them to reason, with all speed aided these supplicants and subdued the resistants, Anno Reg. 13. notwithstanding their great puissance, & the strength of the places which they kept.

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