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Compare 1577 edition: 1 This yeare through great and immoderate raine that fell in the summer, the growing of corne was so hindred, that a great death of people insued.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 This yeare also was the battell of Monadmore fought in Ireland,The battell of Monadmore. where the flower and chiefest per|sonages of Mounster and Leynister were slaine. Moreouer one Iohn, a moonke of Sagium, Matth. Paris. The second & also the first bishops of Man. was made the second bishop of the Ile of Man: the first bishop that was there instituted hight Wimond a moonke of Sauinie, who for his importunate misde|menour in some respects, had his eies put out, and was displaced.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Iohn Papirio a cardinall, Hen. Marle. being sent from the pope as legat into Ireland, ordeined foure archbi|shops there, one at Dublin, an other at Ardmach, the third at Cassels, and the fourth at Connach. The sée of Dublin he changed into an archbishops sée,The bishop of Dublin made archbishop. one Gregorie at that time possessing the same: to whom he gaue the first and chiefe pall, and appointed the church of the blessed Trinitie to be church metropo|litane. As this cardinall passed through England, he receiued an oth of fealtie vnto king Stephan.

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