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¶ Thus we see how Gods iudgement hunteth and pursueth the wicked, in somuch that they be o|uertaken in their owne imaginations: according to that of the scripture, The wicked and bloudthirstie man shall not liue halfe his daies. And true it is, that as men liue, so commonlie they die: for, as one saith verie well;

— bona nulla scelestis
Et iustis mala nulla quidem contingere possunt.M. Pal. in suo scor.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 About the same time aduertisement was giuen, that the citie of Lincolne, which the earle of Chester had in keeping, was but slenderlie manned. Where|vpon the king conceiuing some hope to win the same, hasted forward: and comming thither in the night, laid siege therevnto,Lincolne be|sieged. and began to cast a trench to stop them within frõ making any salies without.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The earle at the first being somewhat amazed with the sudden approch of the enimie, yet beholding from the walles the maner of them without, he perceiued the rankes to be verie thin: and thereby gessing their number to be but small, suddenlie issued foorth at the gates to encounter with them. The king a|bode not the giuing of the charge, bicause he was but weake and therefore fled;The siege raised. neither could the earle follow the chace conuenientlie, for the like cause; but setting vpon those that were about to make the trench, he slue 80. of the workemen, N. Triuet. and then retired into the castell.

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