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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 But to our storie. Ouid. King Stephan hearing of this pitifull spoile,

K. Stephan maketh hast to rescue the north parts. The Scots retire.

K. Stephan burnt the south parts of Scotland.

hasted forward with great iournies to the rescue of the countrie. The Scots put in feare of spéedie comming to encounter them, drew backe in|to Scotland: but he pursued them, and entring into their countrie, burned and destroied the south parts of that realme in most miserable maner. Whilest king Stephan was thus about to beat backe the forren enimies, and reuenge himselfe on them, he was assailed by other at home, & not without the iust vengeance of almightie God, who meant to punish him for his periurie committed in taking vpon him the crowne, contrarie to his oth made vnto the em|presse and hir children. For Robert earle of Gloce|ster, base brother vnto the empresse,Robert earle of Glocester. and of hir priuie councell, sought by all meanes how to bring king Stephan into hatred, both of the Nobles and com|mons, that by their helpe he might be expelled the realme, and the gouernment restored to the empresse and hir sonne.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Such earnest trauell was made by this earle of Glocester, that manie of his freends which fauoured his cause, now that king Stephan was occupied in the north parts, ioined with him in conspiracie a|gainst their souereigne. First the said earle him|selfe tooke Bristowe:Bristow ta|ken. and after this diuerse other townes and castels there in that countrie were ta|ken by him and others, with full purpose to kéepe the same to the behoofe of the empresse and hir sonne. A|mongst other William Talbot tooke vpon him to defend Hereford in Wales: Simon Dun. Talbot. Matt. Paris. Louell. Painell. William Louell held the castell of Cary: Paganell or Painell kept the castell of Ludlow: William de Moun the castell of EEBO page image 49 Dunestor:Fitz-Iohn. Fitz-Alain. Robert de Nicholl, the castle of Warram: Eustace Fitz-Iohn, the castle of Walton; and Wil|liam Fitz-Alain, the castle of Shrewesburie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 When word hereof came to king Stephan, he was maruellouslie vexed: for being determined to haue pursued the Scots euen to the vttermost limits of their countrie, he was now driuen to change his mind, and thought it good at the first to stop the pro|ceedings of his enimies at home, least in giuing them space to increase their force, they might in pro|cesse of time growe so strong, that it would be an hard matter to resist them at the last. Herevpon ther|fore he returned southward, Simon Dun. Matth. Paris. The castle of Douer deli|uered to the quéene. Polydor. and comming vpon his enimies, recouered out of their hands diuers of those places which they held, as Hereford, and the castle of Shrewesburie. About the same time one Walkeline yéelded the castle of Douer vnto the quéene, who had besieged him within the same.

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