Compare 1577 edition: 1 Trulie not onelie king Henrie here in England, but also other princes and high potentates of the temporaltie about the same season, challenged this right of inuesting bishops and other cleargie men, as a thing due vnto them and their predecessors, with|out all prescription of time, as they alledged, which caused no small debate betwixt them and the spiritu|altie, as in that which is written thereof at large by others may more easilie appeere.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Anselme refu|seth to conse|crate the bi|shops inuested by the king.Howbeit Anselme the archbishop of Canturburie more earnest in this case than any other, would not admit nor consecrate such bishops as were nomi|nated and inuested by the king, making no account of their inuestiture: and further he tooke vpon him to admonish the K. not to violate the sacred lawes, rites and ceremonies of christian religion so latelie decréed concerning those matters. But so far was the king from giuing any eare to his admonitions, [...]at he stood the more stiffelie in his chalenge. And where Thomas the archbishop of Yorke was not long before departed out of this transitorie life, he gaue that benefice then void to one Gerard,Gerard inue|sted archbi|shop of Yorke. a man of great wit, but (as some writers report) more desi|rous of honor than was requisite for his calling, and willed him in despite of Anselme to consecrate those bishops whom he had of late inuested. This Gerard therfore obeieng his commandement, did consecrate them all,W. G [...]fford bi|shop of Win|chester, Matth. Paris. Wil. Thorne. Polydor. William Gifford bishop of Winchester excepted; who refused to be consecrated at his hands, wherevpon he was depriued and banished the relme. The archbishop Ans [...]lme also was quite out of fa|uour, for that he ceased not to speake against the K. in reproouing him in this behalfe, till time that the king was contented to referre the matter to pope Paschall, and to stand to his decree and determinati|on: also, that such as he had placed in any bishoprike, Polydor. should haue licence to go to Rome to plead their cau|ses, whither he promised shortlie to send his ambassa|dours, and so he did: appointing for the purpose, Her|bert bishop of Norwich,1102 Anno Reg. 4. and Robert bishop of Lich|field, being both of his priuie councell, and William Warlewast,Ambassadors sent to Rome. of whom mention is made before, who went on their waie and came to Rome, according to their commission.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 After them also folowed Anselme archbishop of Canturburie, Gerard archbishop of Yorke,Anselme go|eth also to Rome. & Wil|liam the elect of Winchester, whom the pope recei|ued with a courteous kind of interteinement. But Anselme was highlie honored aboue all the residue, whose diligence and zeale in defense of the ordinan|ces of the sée of Rome, he well inough vnderstood. The ambassadours in like maner declaring the effect of their message, opened vnto the pope the ground of the controuersie begun betweene the king and An|selme, & with good arguments went about to prooue the kings cause to be lawfull. Upon the otherside, Anselme and his partakers with contrarie reasons sought to confute the same. Whervpon the pope de|clared, that sith by the lawes of the church it was de|creed, that the possession of any spirituall benefice, obteined otherwise than by meanes of a spirituall person, could not be good or allowable; from thence|foorth, neither the king nor any other for him, should challenge any suth right to apperteine vnto them.