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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Herevpon also those that haue sithens succeeded him, vse the same armes as peculiar to the crowne of England, which he vsed in his time; namelie, three li [...]ns passant gold in a field gewels (as Polydor wri|teth) the three floure delices were since that time an|nexed thereto by Edward the third,He bare but two lions or rather leo|pards as some thinke. by reason of his claime to the crowne of France, whereof hereafter ye shall heare. Among other greeuances which the English susteined by the hard deling of the Conque|rour, this is to be remembrd, that he brought Iewes into this land from Rouen, and appointed them a place to inhabit and occupie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 There be that write, how the inconstancie of the English people by their oft rebellions occasioned the king to be so rough and rigorous against them; Polydor. wher|as (of his naturall disposition and proper inclinati|on) he was rather gentle and courteous than sharpe and cruell. But sith he continued his extremitie euen to his last daies, we may rather beléeue, that al|though from his childhood he shewed some tokens of clemencie, bountie, and liberalitie; yet by following the wars, and practising to reigne with sternenesse, he became so inured therewith, that those peaceable ver|tues were quite altered in him, and in maner cleare|lie quenched. He was indued with a certeine stout|nesse of courage and skill in feats of warre, which good hap euer followed: he was frée from lecherous lusts, without suspicion of bodilie vices, quicke of wit, desirous of honor, painefull, watchfull, and able to tolerate heat and cold, though he were tall of sta|ture, and verie grosse of bodie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Toward the end of his daies he waxed verie de|uout, and became desirous to aduance the state of the church, insomuch that he builded thrée abbeies in three seuerall places, endowing them with faire lands and large possessions, one at the place where he van|quished king Harold, fiue miles from Hastings, which he named Battell, of the field there fought: the other at Celby in Yorkeshire: and the third in Normandie at Caen, where his wife Quéene Maud had builded a nunnerie, which Maud died in the yéere 1084. before the decease of the king hir husband.

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