Compare 1577 edition: 1 The king perceiuing his estate to be now in no EEBO page image 10 small danger, is in a great perplexitie what to doo, in the end, he counselleth with the said Lanfranke arch|bishop of Canturburie, how he might remedie the matter; who told him that in such a desperate case, the best waie for him should be to séeke by faire words and friendly offers to pacifie the English No|bilitie, which by all meanes possible would neuer ceasse to molest him in the recouerie of their liber|ties. Wherevpon he made meanes to come to some agréement with them, and so well the matter procée|ded on his side, that the Englishmen being deceiued through his faire promises, were contented to com|mon of peace, for which purpose they came also vn|der the conduct of the abbat Frederike vnto Ber|kamsted, where (after much reasoning and debating of the matter for the conclusion of amitie betwixt them) king William in the presence of the archbishop Lanfranke and other of his lords, tooke a personall oth vpon all the relikes of the church of S. Albons, and the holie euangelists (the abbat Frederike mini|string the same vnto him) that he would from thence|foorth obserue and keepe the good and ancient approo|ued lawes of the realme, which the noble kings of England his predecessors had made and ordeined heretofore; but namelie those of S. Edward, which were supposed to be most equall and indifferent.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 The peace being thus concluded, and the English|men growne thereby to some hope of further quiet|nesse, they began to forsake their alies, and returned each one, either to his owne possessions, or to giue attendance vpon the king. But he warilie cloking his inward purpose, notwithstanding the vnitie late+lie made, determineth particularlie to assaile his eni|mies (whose power without doubt so long as it was vnited, could not possiblie be ouercome, as he thought) and being now by reason of this peace disse|uered and dispersed, he thought it high time to put his secret purposes in execution: wherevpon taking them at vnwares and thinking of nothing lesse than warres and sudden inuasion, he imprisoneth manie, killeth diuers, and pursueth the residue with fire and sword, taking awaie their goods, possessions, lands, and inheritances, and banishing them out of the realme. In the meane time, those of the English No|bilitie, which could escape this his outragious tyran|nie, got awaie, and amongst other, Edgar Etheling fled againe into Scotland: but Edwin was slaine of his owne souldiers, as he rode toward Scotland. earle Marchar, and one Hereward, with the bishop of Durham named Egelwinus, Ran. Higa. H. Hunt. Matth. Paris. got into the Ile of Elie, in purpose there to defend themselues from the iniurie of the Normans, for they tooke the place (by reason of the situation) to be of no small strength. Howbeit king William endeuouring to cut them short, raised a power, and stopped all the passages on the east side, and on the west part he made a causie through the fennes, Polydor. Hen. Hunt. Matth. Paris. of two miles in length, whereby he got vnto them, and constreined them to yeeld. But Marchar, or (as others haue) Hereward, foreséeing the imminent danger likelie to take effect, made shift to get out of the Ile by bote, and so by spéedie flight escaped into Scotland. The bishop of Dur|ham being taken, Simon Dun. was sent to the abbey of Abing|don, to be kept as prisoner, where he was so sparing|lie fed,Some write that he was so stubborne-harted, that after he knew he should re|maine in per|petuall prison, he refused his meate, and so pined him selfe to death. that within a short space he died for hunger.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 In this meane time, and whilest king William was thus occupied in rooting out the English, Mal|colme king of Scotland had wasted the countries of Theisedale, Cleueland, and the lands of S. Cutbert, with sundrie other places in the north parts. Where|vpon Gospatrike being latelie reconciled to the king & made earle of Northumberland, was sent against him, who sacked and destroied that part of Cumber|land which the said Malcolme by violence had brought vnder his subiection. At the same time Malcolme was at Weremouth, beholding the fire which his people had kindled in the church of Saint Peter to burne vp the same and there hearing what Gospa|trike had doone, he tooke such displeasure thereat, that he commanded his men they should leaue none of the English nation aliue, but put them all to the sword without pitie or compassion,A bloudie cõ|mandement executed vpon the English by the Scots. so oft as they came to hand. The bloudie slaughter which was made at this time by the Scots, through that cruell com|mandement of Malcolme, was pitifull to consider, for women, children, old and yong, went all one way: howbeit, manie of those that were strong and able to serue for drudges and slaues, were reserued, and carried into Scotland as prisoners, where they re|mained manie yeares after; in so much that there were few houses in that realme, but had one or mo English slaues and captiues, whom they gat at this vnhappie voiage. Miserable was the state of the English at that time, one being consumed of ano|ther so vnnaturallie, manie of them destroied by the Scots so cruellie, and the residue kept vnder by the king so tyrannicallie.