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12.21. The councell or synod kept at Dublin; of Viuian the popes legat, and of Miles Co|gans issuing into Connagh. Chap. 21.

The councell or synod kept at Dublin; of Viuian the popes legat, and of Miles Co|gans issuing into Connagh. Chap. 21.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 IN this meane time, Uiuianus the popes legat remained still in Ireland, and held a synod at Dublin of all the clergie, in which he openlie confirmed and published the right which the king of England hath to the realme of Ireland, as also the popes ratification and confir|mation of the same; commanding and charging e|uerie person, of what estate, degrée, or condition soe|ner he were, that vpon paine of excommunication he should not denie his loialtie, nor breake his alle|giance vnto him. And moreouer (1) forsomuch as the manner and custome was among the Irishrie, that whensoeuer anie goods, corne, or vittels, were put and kept in anie church, no man would medle or deale to carrie the same awaie; yet neuerthelesse, he gaue licence and libertie to all Englishmen, that whensoeuer they went, or were to go in anie ho|sting, and could not elsewhere be prouided of anie vittels, that they might lawfullie take what they found in anie church: so that they left with the church|wardens, or such as had the charge thereof, the true and iust value of so much as they tooke awale. These things thus doone, Miles of Cogan, who was lieute|nant of the bands of soldiors vnder William Fitzal|delme, as also conestable of the citie of Dublin, he with 40 gentlemen, whereof 20 were vnder the con|duct of Ralph the son of Fitzstephans, as also his lieu|tenant, and they hauing with them 200 horssemen & 300 footmen, passed ouer the riuer of Shenin, & in|naded Connagh, which hither to no Englishman had aduentured. The Connagh men foorthwith set on fire and burned all their townes, villages, and chur|ches, as also all such corne as they had in their hag|gards, and in their caues, and could not carrie with them. Likewise they tooke downe the images and crucifires, and hurled them abroad in the fields. Neuerthelesse, the Englishmen marched onwards, till they came to the towne of Thomond, where they staied eight daies togither; and finding the countrie forsaken of the people, and barren of vittels, they returned backe againe ouer the Shenin: and by the waie they met with Rothorike prince of Connagh, who laie in a wood neere the Shenin watching for them, and he had three great troops and companies with him of the best fighting men of Connagh. Be|twéene them there was a long and a cruell fight, in which Miles lost but thrée of his owne companie, but manie of his enimies were slaine. Which doone, he recouered ouer the riuer, & so came safelie to Dublin.

(1) This vsage and custome is yet at this present obserued, and euerie church in the countrie stuffed and filled with great chests full of corne, which the hus|bandmen doo for safetie kéepe therein: and this lieth safe at all times, euen in the verie warres among themselues: howbeit the same is not so religiouslie kept and obserued in these daies as in times past.

12.22. How William Fitzaldelme is sent from home into England, and Hugh de Lacie put in his place: and how Miles Cogan and Robert Fitz|stephans haue the kingdome of Corke giuen vnto them. Chap. 22.

How William Fitzaldelme is sent from home into England, and Hugh de Lacie put in his place: and how Miles Cogan and Robert Fitz|stephans haue the kingdome of Corke giuen vnto them. Chap. 22.

WIlliam Fitzaldelme, who during his abode and being in this land, had doone no|thing worthie the commendation, sauing that he caused the staffe called Iohns staffe to be fetched from Armach, and brought to Dublin; he (I saie) and Miles Cogan, with Robert Fitzste|phans were sent for by the king to come home. In whose roome the king sent ouer Hugh de lacie, and made him his deputie ouer the whole land, ioining in commission with him Robert Powre then sene|schall of Wexford and Waterford. The king, after the returne of the aforesaid Fitzaldelme and others, thinking and considering with himselfe the good ser|uice of Miles Cogan, Robert Fitzstephans, and o|thers; as also how necessarie it were, that such noble seruitors and valiant men were placed among the Irish people, wherby to keepe them in good order and dutifull obeisance; he gaue to Robert Fitzstephans, and to Miles Cogan in fée for euer to be equalite di|uided betwéene them all south Mounster (1) that is to saie, the whole kingdome of Corks, from the west part of the riuer at Leismore vnto the seas, sauing and reseruing the citie of Corke, and one cantred of land there vnto adioining. Also he gaue vnto Phi|lip de Bruse all the north Mounster, that is to saie, the kingdome of Limerike, sauing and excepting the citie of Limerike it selfe with one cantred ther vnto adioining, to haue vnto him and to his heires for e|uer in fée. These men thus rewarded, confederated themselues togither to ioine and helpe one another, and euerie of them maketh the best preparation that he can. Which being in redinesse they tooke shipping and arriued into Ireland in the moneth of Nouem|ber, and landed at Waterford: from thense they coa|sted EEBO page image 45 along vnto Corke, where they were receiued with much honor both by the citizens, and also by an English gentleman named Richard of London, who was deputie there vnder Fitzaldelme.

As soone as they had pacified and quieted Der|mon (2) Mac Artie prince of Desmond, and the re|sidue of the noble men and gentlemen in those par|ties, Fitzstephans and also Miles Cogan diuided be|twéene them the seauen contreds, which were née|rest to the towne: for these they kept and held in best peace and rest. Fitzstephans had the thrée cantreds which laie in the east part, and Cogan had the foure which laie in the west, the one hauing the more be|cause they were the worser, and the other had the few|er cantreds that were the better soile and ground. The citie it selfe remained in their ioint gouerne|ment, and the residue of the cantreds being foure and twentie remained in common, and the profits there|of growing they equallie diuided betwéene them. A cantred both in English and in Irish is so much land what a can|tred is. as conteineth one hundred villages, as is in our to|pographie declared, which is commonlie called an hundred. These things thus doone, they bring and conduct Philip de Bruse vnto Limerike. Fitzste|phans had with him twentie gentlemen and fortie horssemen, Miles Cogan had twentie gentlemen & fiftie horsemen, Philip de Bruse had twentie gentle|men & thrée score horssemen, besides a great number of bowmen & footmen, which they all had when they were come to Limerike, which was about fortie miles from Corke, & onlie the riuer of Shenin was betwéene them and the citie: the same at their com|ming was set on fire before their eies by the citizens themselues. Neuerthelesse, Stephans and Miles of|fered to aduenture ouer the water, and to enter the towne; or if Philip thought it so good, they would there build a castell vpon the riuers side right ouer against the towne. But Philip albeit he were a valiant and a good man, yet considering with himselfe how dan|gerous the place was, being in the middle of the eni|mies, and farre remoted from all succors and helpe, without which he was not able with his small com|panie to defend and kéepe the same, as also being partlie persuaded by the counsell and aduise of his companie, thought it better to returne home in safe|tie, than to dwell in the middle of his enimies in con|tinuall perill and danger. And it is not to be much maruelled that in this iourneie he had so euill suc|cesse: for whie he had gathered & reteined to him the notablest murtherers, théeues, & seditious persons that were in all Southwales, and the marches of the same, and these were of best credit with him, and he most ruled by them.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 About this time Amere duke Fitzstephans son, a lustie yoong gentleman and a towardlie, died at Corke in March, to the great sorrow and gréefe of all his fréends. Neere about this time was found and seene a great tode at Waterford, wherof was made much woondering, as is in our topographie declared. Also within the space of thrée yeares there was séene Thrée eclip|ses of the sun in thrée yeres. thrée eclipses of the sun, howbeit these were not vni|uersall, but particular eclipses seene onelie in the land. After that Fitzstephans and Miles Cogan had quietlie and peaceablie gouerned and ruled the king|dome of Desmond fiue yéeres togither, and by their prudence and modestie had restrained the hastie for|wardnesse, and rash disposition of their yoong men, Miles and Rafe the sonne of Fitzstephans a lustie yong gentleman, and who had maried Miles daugh|ter, went toward Lisemore, there to méet & to haue a parlée with Waterford men: as they sate in the fields waiting and looking for them, one Machture with whome they should and had appointed to haue lien at his house the next night following, suddenlie and vnwares came stealing vpon them, and there traitorouslie slue them, and fiue of their companie. By meanes whereof the whole countrie foorthwith was in an vproare, insomuch that Dermon Mac Artie, and all the Irishrie in those parties, as also the traitor Machture, were out: and denieng to be anie longer the kings loiall subiects, made wars against Fitzstephans, who now once againe felt the course of fortunes disposition. And these so much annoied him, that he could neuer recouer himselfe againe, vntill that his nephue Reimond, who succéeded him in the gouernement there, came and rescued him: yet that notwithstanding, he was neuer his owne man, neither could he be at a perfect peace and rest.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 And by the waie this is to be noted and considered, that as the northerne men be warlike and valiant; so are the southerne men craftie and subtill, the one seeking honor, the other deliting in craft & deceit; the one valiant, the other wilie; the one of great cou|rage, the other set all on treason and falshood. But to the matter. When Reimond hard how fortune frow|ned vpon his vncle Fitzstephans, and what distresse he was in, being shut vp in the citie of Corke, and his enimies assailing him round about, forthwith assem|bleth his companie, and hauing in readinesse twen|tie gentlemen, and one hundred of footmen and bow|men, he taketh shipping at Wexford, and sailing a|long the coasts, maketh towards Corke with all the hast he can, that he might reléeue and comfort his friends, and be a terror vnto his enimies. And in the end hauing ofttimes incountered with the enimies, some he killed, some he droue out of the countrie, and some he compelled (which was the greater number) to submit themselues and to sue for peace: and thus in the end after great stormes and tempest followed a faire wether and a calme. Uerie shortlie after Ri|chard of Cogan, brother vnto Miles, & nothing infe|rior vnto him in valiantnesse, or anie other respect: came into Ireland with a iollie picked companie and chosen men, being sent to the king to supplie his bro|thers roome. Also in the end of the same winter, and in the moneth of Februarie (3) Philip Barrie nephue to Fitzstephans, a verie honest and a wise gentle|man, came ouer with a lustie companie of chosen men, as well for the aid of his vncle, as also for the recouerie of his land in Olethan, which was perforce taken awaie (4) from Fitzstephans, as also after|wards from Rafe Fitstephans sonne. In the same passage also came Gerald an other nephue of Fitz|stephans, and brother vnto Philip Barrie, who with his good aduise and counsell did verie much pleasure and helpe both his vncle and brother: for he was lear|ned and a great traueller, in searching to learne the site and nature of that land, as also the first origine of that nation, and whose name the title of the booke beareth. About this time Herrie of Mont Moris professed himselfe a moonke in the monasterie of the Trinitie in Canturburie, and gaue to the same in franke and pure almes all his patronages and im|propriations of all his churches, lieng by the sea coasts betwéene Waterford & Wexford, and so be|came a moonke, & liued a solitarie life in a religious habit: who as he changed his habit, so would God he had changed his mind! & as he hath laid awaie his se|cular weeds, had cast off his malicious disposition!

(1) The gift which the king gaue vnto these two gentlemen of this countrie is yet extant vnder his broad seale, and was giuen by the name of the king|dome of Corke, being bounded from the riuer which fléeteth by Lisemore towards the citie of Limerike, vnto Knocke Brendon vpon the seas on the west, to be holden of the king, and of his heires by thrée score knights fées. The citie it selfe without cantred of EEBO page image 46 land was reserued to the king, sauing that they two had the custodie thereof. This kingdome in course of time for want of heires male of them, came to two daughters. The one of them was married to Carew and the other to Courcie, & they in the right of their wiues inioied the same during their liues; and after them their heires, vntill such time as by a diuision growing amongest the Englishmen, the Irish|rie expelled them, and recouered the countrie vnto themselues.

(2) These Mac Arties are yet remaining in the said prouince of Corke, and they be now dispersed in|to sundrie families, but the chiefest of them is named Mac Artie More, and he in the time of king Henrie the eight was aduanced to the honor and degree of an earle, being called the earle Clan Artie, which in common spéech by interposition of the letter C is pronounced Clancartie.

(3) In this point there is a varietie among the writers, some writing that Fitzstephans should take awaie the land from Philip Barrie, and giue it to his son Rafe; and to recouer this out of their hands, the said Philip came ouer with such power and force as he could make. Some write againe that the land af|ter that it was giuen to Philip Barrie, he departing into England left it in the custodie and charge of Robert Fitzstephans, who when he listed not or could not keepe it anie longer, deliuered the custodie there|of to his sonne Rafe: who as his father so was he wearie to kéepe the same. And for that cause Philip Barrie minding to inioie, and to make the best ther|of, with such force and helpe as he had gotten, came ouer both to helpe his vncle, & also to fortifie & build holds & castels vpon his said land, whereby he might be the better able to defend and kéepe the same: and this séemeth to be the truth of the historie.

(4) This Philip of Barrie, hauing seized vpon lands and possessions in Ireland, his posteritie haue euer since continued in that land; and nothing dege|nerating from their first ancestor, haue from age and to age béene noble and valiant gentlemen, and who for their fidelitie and good seruices, were aduan|ced to honour and made vicounts: and in that title of honor doo continue still. But would to God they were not so nuzled, rooted, and altogither seasoned in Irishrie! the name and honor being onelie English, all the rest for the most part Irish.

12.23. How Hugh de Lacie builded castels, and fortified in Leinster and Meth. Chap. 23.

How Hugh de Lacie builded castels, and fortified in Leinster and Meth. Chap. 23.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 WHilest these things were thus a dooing in Desmond, Hugh de Lacie a good and a wise man buildeth sundrie castels both in Leinster and Meth, and fortifieth the same verie stronglie: and among others he builded one at (1) Leighlin vpon the riuer of (2) Barrow besids Os|sorie, a place naturallie of it selfe verie strong, which place Robert Powre by the kings commandement had the charge of, vntill he gaue the same ouer and forsooke it. O what worthie champions and fit march|men were this Powre & Fitzaldelme, to be sent to dwell and rule in a nation, which is destituted and wanteth noble and valiant men! But a man maie sée the course of fortune, who when she is disposed to smile, how she aduanceth and raiseth vp men from base estate to high degrées: for why, these two had more pleasure in chambering and plaieng the wan|tons with yoong girls, and to plaie vpon a harpe than to beare a shield or staffe, or to weare armour. And trulie it was to be maruelled, that so noble a prince could send such cowards to beare rule, and haue au|thoritie in places of seruice. But to the matter. Hugh de Lacie being a verie wise man, all his care was to bring all things to a peace and quietnesse: and there|fore such as were oppressed or driuen out of their lands and territories, he restored them, and with such courteous behauiour and gentle spéeches he dealt with all men, that in a verie short time he drew vn|to him the hearts of the people, who desirous to dwell vnder his gouernment, manured the grounds; which being then wast and vntilled, was in short spacefull stored and fraughted both with corne and cattell. And then for the safetie of the people and defense of the countrie, he builded townes and erected castels in euerie place, made orders & established lawes for the gouernment of the people. And by this it came to passe, that ech man inioied the labours of his owne hands, and euerie man liued in peace one with the o|ther, and euerie bodie loued him, and he assured of all men. But hauing thus by his wisedome, policie, and good gouernement recouered that nation to good conformitie and obedience, behold enuie (which al|waies maligneth vertue) he was had in a gealousie and suspicion, that his drift and policie was to appro|priat the whole land to himselfe, and as the lawfull king and monarch would crowne himselfe king of Ireland. Which opinion was so receiued & false ru|mour so spred, that it was in a short time caried into England; which when it came to the kings eares, you maie not thinke that he at all liked thereof, or could brooke the same.

(1) This Leighlin standeth full vpon the riuer of Barrow, and it is a verie old & ancient castell called by the name of the Blake castell, a fort in those daies verie strong: it standeth in the baronie of Odrone, which is the ancient inheritance of the Carews, who being barons of Carew in Wales, one of them ma|ried the daughter and heire of the baron of this O|drone, & so the Carews became & were for the course of sundrie yeares, vntill in the troublesome times, in king Richard the seconds time they were expelled, as all others or the most part of the English were. But being dwelling there, some one of them builded a religious house of Greie friers neere adioining to the said castell, which being since dissolued in king Henrie the eights time, the same fell into the kings hands, who made thereof a fort, and kept there a per|petuall garison, and thus was it disseuered from the baronie. There is also one other Leighlin distant from this about an English mile, where is the cathe|drall church of that diocesse, and whereof the bishop taketh his name bring called the bishop of Leighlin; but for difference sake the same is called old Leigh|lin, and this other Leighlin bridge, by reason of a bridge builded of stone ouer the riuer at that place, and whereof the one end butteth vpon the foresaid Blake castell.

(2) The Barrow is a goodlie and a notable riuer, hauing his head or spring in the hill called Mons Blandina or Slogh Blome, in which also are the heads or springs of the two other notable riuers Sure and the other Eoire. This Barrow kéepeth & hath his course through the countie of Lex, and pas|seth by the market towne of Athie vnto Carlow, and from thense vnto Leighlin, and so to Rosse, a lit|tle aboue which towne it méeteth and ioineth with the Eoire, and they togither kéepe their course about six miles, vntill they méet with the Sure, which is neere vnto the late abbeie of Dunbradrie: and as they all doo spring and rise out of one mounteine, so after they haue taken their seuerall courses, they meet togither and take one waie into the seas. They are all naui|gable, and all a like replenished with sundrie sorts and kinds of fishes.

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