Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this trouble the Earle of Ormond was greatly ayded by ſir William Wiſe Knight,Sir VVilliam VViſe knight. a woorſhipfull Gentleman, borne in the Citie of Waterfoorde, who deſeruing in deede the prayſe of that vertue, whereof he bare the name, grewe to bee of great credite in the Court, and ſtoode highly in king Henrie his grace, whiche hee wholy vſed to the furtherance of his friends, and neuer abuſed to the annoyance of his foes.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Gentleman was verye well ſpoken, mylde of nature, wyth diſcretion ſtoute, as one that in an vpright quarel would beare no coles, ſeldome in an intricate matter grauelled, being found at all aſſayes to be of a pleaſant and pre|ſent wit.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Hauing lente to the King his Signet to ſeale a Letter, who hauing powdred Erimites engrayled in the Scale, why howe now Wiſe quoth the King. what? haſt thou Liſe here? And if it like your Maieſtie, quoth ſir Williã, a louſe is a riche Coate, for by giuing the Louſe, I part Armes with the French King, in that he gyueth the Floure de Lice. Whereat the king heartily laughed, to heare how pretily ſo byting a taunt (namely proceeding from a Prince) was ſodaynly turned to ſo pleaſaunte a con|ceyte.