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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Both the Earles marched wyth the armye on foote to Carregfergus, where they brake company.The Irish ſkir|mish vvith the Erle of Lennox. For Lennox and ſir Iohn Trauerſe taking as hee thought the ſhorter, but not the ſafer way, trauayled through the Ardes, with the number of fiue hundred Souldiours, where the Iriſhe inhabitantes ſkyrmiſhed with them, and put them to ſuche ſtrayte plunges (for they woulde gladly haue ſeene what a clocke it was in theyr Budgets) as they wiſhed they had not parted from the reſt of the army.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Earle of Ormonde with his Souldi|ours (which were a thouſande fiue hundred, as before is expreſſed) marched on foot to Belefaſt, which is an arme of the ſea, a quarter of a mile broade, or little leſſe, and albeeit their weather were bitter and ouer nipping and no ſmall par|cell of the water were congealed with froſt,The Earle of Ormonde his toylſome tra|uaile. yet the Earle and his armie waded ouer on foote, to the great daunger as well of his perſon, as of the whole companie, whiche doubtleſſe was a valiaunt enterpriſe of ſo honourable a perſo|nage.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 From thence hee paſſed to Strangfoorde, and through Lecale to Donda [...]lke, where he diſ|charged his Souldiours, and hauing preſented himſelfe to the Gouernour at Dublyn, he roade homewarde to the Countie of Kilkenny.

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